Publications about 'polarimetric'

Books and proceedings

  1. Jakob Van Zyl and Yunjin Kim. Synthetic Aperture Radar Polarimetry. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR, Polarimetry, SAR Polarimetry, Synthetic Aperture Radar, Scattering, Microwave Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing, Polarization, Scattering Models, Microwave Scattering, Electromagnetic Scattering, calibration algorithms, polarimetric calibration, calibration, scattering from rough surfaces, surface scattering, soil moisture. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Othmar Frey. Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging in the Time Domain for Nonlinear Sensor Trajectories and SAR Tomography, PhD Thesis. Remote Sensing Series, vol. 59, Remote Sensing Laboratories, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. 2010. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, Focusing, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, Corridor Mapping, Curvilinear SAR, Nonlinear Flight Tracks, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Remote Sensing, Airborne SAR, Forestry, L-Band, P-Band, Interferometry, InSAR, SAR Interferometry, Polarimetry, PolInSAR, Polarimetric SAR Tomography, Array signal processing, Extended Chirp Scaling, ECS, Mosaicking, Geocoding, Integrated Focusing and Geocoding, Georeferencing, mapping, E-SAR, digital elevation model, Capon, Capon beamformer, beamforming, multibaseline, multiple signal classification, MUSIC, three-dimensional imaging, 3-D imaging, Vegetation. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Shane R. Cloude. Polarisation: Applications in Remote Sensing. Oxford Press, 2009. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Polarisation, Interferometry, Polarimetric Interferometry, PolInSAR, InSAR, SAR Interferometry, Scattering, Remote Sensing, Radar, Radar Remote Sensing. [bibtex-entry]

  4. Jong-Sen Lee and Eric Pottier. Polarimetric radar imaging: from basics to applications. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 2009. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Polarimetry, Polarimetric Decomposition. [bibtex-entry]

  5. Leung Tsang, Jin Au Kong, and Kung-Hau Ding. Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves: Theories and Applications, volume 1. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., July 2000. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]


  1. Andreas Reigber. Airborne Polarimetric SAR Tomography. PhD thesis, University of Stuttgart, 2001. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, Polarimettric SAR, Pol-InSAR, L-Band, E-SAR. [bibtex-entry]

Articles in journal or book chapters

  1. Gustavo H. X. Shiroma, Marco Lavalle, and Sean M. Buckley. An Area-Based Projection Algorithm for SAR Radiometric Terrain Correction and Geocoding. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60:1-23, 2022. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Marcel Stefko, Othmar Frey, Charles Werner, and Irena Hajnsek. Calibration and Operation of a Bistatic Real-Aperture Polarimetric-Interferometric Ku-Band Radar. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60(5106719):1-19, 2022. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  3. Ce Yang, Naiming Ou, Yunkai Deng, Dacheng Liu, Yanyan Zhang, Nan Wang, and Robert Wang. Pattern Synthesis Algorithm for Range Ambiguity Suppression in the LT-1 Mission via Sequential Convex Optimizations. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60:1-13, 2022. Keyword(s): Synthetic aperture radar, Optimization, Antenna measurements, Phased arrays, Microwave antennas, Convex functions, Backscatter, Antenna pattern synthesis, array antenna, convex optimization, quadrature polarimetric (quad-pol), range ambiguity, synthetic aperture radar (SAR). [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  4. D. -H. Jung, D. -H. Kim, M. T. Azim, J. Park, and S. -O. Park. A Novel Signal Processing Technique for Ku-Band Automobile FMCW Fully Polarimetric SAR System Using Triangular LFM. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70:1-10, 2021. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, carborne SAR, Frequency modulation, Signal processing algorithms, Signal processing, Polarimetry, Automobiles, Doppler effect, Synthetic aperture radar, Automobile synthetic aperture radar (SAR), frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar, fully polarimetric SAR (PolSAR), linear frequency modulation (LFM), range Doppler algorithm (RDA), SAR, triangular waveform. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  5. Giuseppe Parrella, Irena Hajnsek, and Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou. Retrieval of Firn Thickness by Means of Polarisation Phase Differences in L-Band SAR Data. Remote Sensing, 13(21), 2021. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  6. Jorge Jorge Ruiz, Risto Vehmas, Juha Lemmetyinen, Josu Uusitalo, Janne Lahtinen, Kari Lehtinen, Anna Kontu, Kimmo Rautiainen, Riku Tarvainen, Jouni Pulliainen, and Jaan Praks. SodSAR: A Tower-Based 1-10 GHz SAR System for Snow, Soil and Vegetation Studies. Sensors, 20(22), 2020. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  7. J. Matar, M. Rodriguez-Cassola, G. Krieger, P. Lopez-Dekker, and A. Moreira. MEO SAR: System Concepts and Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 58(2):1313-1324, February 2020. Keyword(s): Orbits, Sensitivity, Synthetic aperture radar, Antennas, Spatial resolution, Low earth orbit satellites, Coverage, medium-Earth-orbit (MEO) synthetic aperture radar (SAR), orbits, SAR, space radiation, system performance.. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  8. G. H. X. Shiroma and M. Lavalle. Digital Terrain, Surface, and Canopy Height Models From InSAR Backscatter-Height Histograms. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 58(6):3754-3777, June 2020. Keyword(s): backscatter, forestry, optical radar, radar imaging, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, vegetation, vegetation mapping, digital terrain, canopy height models, InSAR backscatter-height histogram, interferometric synthetic aperture radar backscatter-height histograms, single-look backscatter measurements, InSAR phase height, InSAR histogram, LiDAR waveforms, ground topography, full-polarimetric L-band uninhabited aerial vehicle synthetic aperture radar data, forest height, Histograms, Laser radar, Forestry, Vegetation mapping, Backscatter, Synthetic aperture radar, Digital elevation models (DEMs), forest height, interferometry, L-band, polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry (PolInSAR), polarimetry, SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  9. Simone Baffelli, Othmar Frey, and Irena Hajnsek. Polarimetric Analysis of Natural Terrain Observed With a Ku-Band Terrestrial Radar. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 12(12):5268-5288, December 2019. Keyword(s): Terrestrical Radar, Polarimetry, Radar Polarimetry, ku-band, Gamma Portable Radar Interferometer, GPRI-II, Polarimetric Gamma Portable Radar Interferometer, PolGPRI, Entropy, ground based radar, polarimetric radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  10. Unmesh Khati, Marco Lavalle, and Gulab Singh. Spaceborne tomography of multi-species Indian tropical forests. Remote Sensing of Environment, 229:193-212, 2019. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, TomoSAR, Tomography, TanDEM-X, TerraSAR-X, Tropical, Forest, India, Spaceborne SAR, X-band. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  11. Aaron Thompson, Richard Kelly, and Joshua King. Sensitivity of Ku- and X-Band Radar Observations to Seasonal Snow in Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 45(6):829-846, 2019. Keyword(s): Microwave remote sensing, radar, radar remote sensing, Snow, Snow Water Equivalent (SWE), remote sensing of snow, seasonal snow, Ku-band, X-band. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  12. Simone Baffelli, Othmar Frey, Charles L. Werner, and Irena Hajnsek. Polarimetric Calibration of the Ku-Band Advanced Polarimetric Radar Interferometer. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 56(4):2295-2311, 2018. Keyword(s): real-aperture radar, radar, terrestrial radar, Apertures, Calibration, interferometry, radar interferometry, Radar antennas, Radar imaging, Radar polarimetry, ground-based radar, polarimetric calibration, polarimetric, GB-RADAR, polarimetric-interferometric radar, Gamma Portable Radar Interferometer, GPRI. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  13. M. Lort, A. Aguasca, C. Lopez-Martinez, and T. M. Marin. Initial Evaluation of SAR Capabilities in UAV Multicopter Platforms. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 11(1):127-140, January 2018. Keyword(s): airborne radar, geophysical image processing, object detection, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, remotely operated vehicles, synthetic aperture radar, topography (Earth), topographic mapping, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, AiR-based remote sensing, Barcelona, Spain, UAV MP, fully polarimetric SAR system, airborne systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, object detection, airborne synthetic aperture radar sensors, UAV multicopter platform, Synthetic aperture radar, Unmanned aerial vehicles, Apertures, Remote sensing, Sensor phenomena and characterization, Trajectory, Airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR), unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) multicopter, UAV SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  14. Albert R. Monteith and Lars M. H. Ulander. Temporal Survey of P- and L-Band Polarimetric Backscatter in Boreal Forests. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 11(10):3564-3577, October 2018. Keyword(s): SAR Tomography, backscatter, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, spaceborne radar, synthetic aperture radar, vegetation mapping, temporal survey, L-band polarimetric backscatter, boreal forests, environmental conditions, seasonal variations, backscattered radar signal, biomass retrieval scheme, synthetic aperture radar data, electromagnetic scattering mechanisms, biomass estimation algorithms, L-band SAR missions, temporal changes, HV-polarized P, L-band radar backscatter, boreal forest site, environmental parameters, mature Norway spruce, above-ground biomass, approximately 250 tons/ha, BorealScat tower-based scatterometer, L-band backscatter, HH/VV backscatter ratio, average backscatter, double-bounce scattering, severe temporal decorrelation, P-band temporal coherence, mass 250.0 ton, time 5.0 min, noise figure 4.0 dB to 10.0 dB, Synthetic aperture radar, L-band, Backscatter, Biomass, Antenna arrays, Coherence, Backscatter, boreal forest, L-band, P-band, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), temporal coherence, time series. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  15. A. G. Mullissa, D. Perissin, V. A. Tolpekin, and A. Stein. Polarimetry-Based Distributed Scatterer Processing Method for PSI Applications. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., PP(99):1-12, 2018. Keyword(s): Coherence, Interferometry, Matrix decomposition, Optimization, Synthetic aperture radar, Adaptive filtering, distributed scatterers (DSs), multitemporal interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR), permanent scatterer interferometry (PSI), polarimetric optimization, polarimetric synthetic aperture radar interferometry.. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  16. Lars M. H. Ulander, Albert R. Monteith, Macej J. Soja, and Leif E. B. Eriksson. Multiport Vector Network Analyzer Radar for Tomographic Forest Scattering Measurements. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 15(12):1897-1901, December 2018. Keyword(s): SAR Tomography, BorealScat, antenna arrays, multiport networks, network analysers, radar antennas, radar imaging, S-parameters, tomographic forest scattering measurements, C-band radar, BorealScat, radar tomography, vertical antenna array, vertical scattering distribution, temporal decorrelation, reflected signals, 20-port vector network analyzer, stepped-frequency waveform, 20-element arrays, radar measurements, hemiboreal forest, tomographic imaging capabilities, multiport VNA tomography results, 2-port VNA measurement scheme, multiport vector network analyzer radar, P-band radar, L-band radar, polarimetric time-series measurements, Antenna measurements, Antenna arrays, Forestry, Tomography, Radar, Radar antennas, Switches, BorealScat, forest, polarimetry, radar, scattering, time series, tomography, vector network analyzer (VNA). [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  17. Othmar Frey. Synthetic Aperture Radar. In Douglas Richardson, editor, International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, pages 1-24. Wiley, 2017. Keyword(s): Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR, Imaging, microwave imaging, radar systems, biosphere, carbon sequestration, co-seismic displacement, crustal deformation, data acquisition, digital earth, earth observation, earth system science, geocomputation, geodesy, geohazards, geomatics, geophysical signal processing, geospatial information, GIScience, ground deformation/subsidence monitoring, interferometry, land cover, land use change, mapping, microwave remote sensing, polarimetry, radar remote sensing, remote sensing, topography, volcano monitoring. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  18. Zahra Sadeghi, Mohammad Javad Valadan Zoej, and Jan-Peter Muller. Combination of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and Single-Baseline Polarimetric Coherence Optimisation to Estimate Deformation Rates with Application to Tehran Basin. PFG -- Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science, 85(5):327-340, December 2017. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  19. Zahra Sadeghi, M. J. Valadan Zoej, and J. P. Muller. Monitoring Land Subsidence in a Rural Area Using a Combination of ADInSAR and Polarimetric Coherence Optimization. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 10(8):3582-3590, August 2017. Keyword(s): environmental monitoring (geophysics), geomorphology, optimisation, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, MCPO, North Iran, Tehran basin, TerraSAR-X images, agricultural fields, coherence-set based polarimetry optimization, coherent pixel density, differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry, land subsidence monitoring, modified coherence set-based polarimetry optimization, pixel phase quality, polarimetric ADInSAR, polarimetric DInSAR, polarimetric coherence optimization, rural area, satellites, search polarimetry optimization, single-baseline coherence optimization method, single-baseline coherence optimization technique, Coherence, Interferometry, Optimization methods, Polarimetry, Synthetic aperture radar, Advanced differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry (ADInSAR), coherence optimization, polarimetric differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry (DInSAR), polarimetry. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  20. Mariko S. Burgin and Jakob J. van Zyl. Analysis of Polarimetric Radar Data and Soil Moisture From Aquarius: Towards a Regression-Based Soil Moisture Estimation Algorithm. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9(8):3497-3504, August 2016. Keyword(s): Backscatter, Data models, Estimation, L-band, Radar, Soil moisture, Vegetation mapping, Moisture, polarimetric radar, soil, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), time series. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  21. S. Leinss, H. Löwe, M. Proksch, J. Lemmetyinen, A. Wiesmann, and I. Hajnsek. Anisotropy of seasonal snow measured by polarimetric phase differences in radar time series. The Cryosphere, 10:1771-1797, 2016. Keyword(s): snow, anisotropy, SnowScat, polarimetric, copolar phase difference CPD.. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  22. C. Lin, B. Rommen, N. Floury, D. Schüttemeyer, M. W. J. Davidson, M. Kern, A. Kontu, J. Lemmetyinen, J. Pulliainen, A. Wiesmann, C. L. Werner, C. Mätzler, M. Schneebeli, M. Proksch, and T. Nagler. Active Microwave Scattering Signature of Snowpack---Continuous Multiyear SnowScat Observation Experiments. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9(8):3849-3869, August 2016. Keyword(s): remote sensing by radar, snow, snowpack active microwave scattering signature, multiyear SnowScat observation experiment, European Space Agency SnowScat instrument, aperture scatterometer, gamma remote sensing AG, AD 2009 02, Weissfluhjoch, Davos, Switzerland, alpine snowpack, snowpack physical characterization, Sodankyla, Finland, AD 2009 11, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Lapland, passive microwave observation, winter season, time-domain snow profiling experiment, snow microstructure, snow metamorphism, snow depth, snow-water-equivalent, frequency 9.15 GHz to 17.9 GHz, Snow, Instruments, Microstructure, Spaceborne radar, Backscatter, Microwave radiometry, Microwave backscatter, radar remote sensing, scatterometer, snow microstructure, snowpack, snow-water-equivalent (SWE), time-domain profiling. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  23. Christophe Magnard, Max Frioud, David Small, Thorsten Brehm, and Erich Meier. Analysis of a Maximum Likelihood Phase Estimation Method for Airborne Multibaseline SAR Interferometry. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9(3):1072-1085, March 2016. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Interferometry, InSAR, Multibaseline Interferometry, Ka-band, Airborne SAR, Single-pass Multibaseline Interferometry, airborne radar, image texture, maximum likelihood estimation, millimetre wave radar, motion compensation, phase estimation, radar imaging, radar interferometry, synthetic aperture radar, C2F algorithm, ML method, airborne multibaseline SAR interferometry, calibration steps, coarse-to-fine algorithm, cross-track multibaseline synthetic aperture radar interferometric data, experimental Ka-band multibaseline system, homogeneous texture, imperfect motion compensation, maximum likelihood phase estimation method, noise level, Antenna measurements, Antennas, Calibration, Maximum likelihood estimation, Motion compensation, Phase estimation, Synthetic aperture radar, Interferometry, Ka-band, maximum likelihood (ML), millimeter wave radar, millimeterwave experimental multifrequency polarimetric high-resolution interferometric system (MEMPHIS), multibaseline, phase unwrapping, synthetic aperture radar (SAR). [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  24. Octavio Ponce, Pau Prats-Iraola, Rolf Scheiber, Andreas Reigber, and Alberto Moreira. First Airborne Demonstration of Holographic SAR Tomography With Fully Polarimetric Multicircular Acquisitions at L-Band. IEEE_J_GRS, 54(10):6170-6196, October 2016. Keyword(s): geophysical techniques, radar imaging, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, 2-D synthetic aperture, Fully Polarimetric Multicircular Acquisitions, German Aerospace Center, Germany, HoloSAR tomogram polarimetric analysis, Kaufbeuren, L-Band, SAR systems, airborne F-SAR sensor, coherent imaging approach, complex reflectivity, compressive sensing, fast-factorized back-projection, forest backscattering analysis, full 3-D reconstructions, generalized likelihood ratio test, geometric acquisition, geoscience community, holographic SAR tomography, holographic techniques, impulse response function, incoherent imaging, individual circular trajectories, internal structure imaging, multicircular SAR acquisitions, polarimetric L-band HoloSAR survey, radar resolution capability function, scatterer polarimetric signature, semitransparent media, sidelobe power, spatial resolution, target 3-D IRF, tomographic techniques, volumetric backscattering, Apertures, Radar imaging, Spatial resolution, Synthetic aperture radar, Tomography, Circular synthetic aperture radar (CSAR), compressive sensing (CS), fast-factorized back-projection (FFBP), holographic sar tomography (HoloSAR), phase gradient autofocus (PGA), polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR). [bibtex-entry]

  25. S. Zwieback and I. Hajnsek. Influence of Vegetation Growth on the Polarimetric Zero-Baseline DInSAR Phase Diversity ---Implications for Deformation Studies. IEEE_J_GRS, 54(5):3070-3082, May 2016. Keyword(s): crops, geophysical techniques, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, L-band zero-baseline data set, agricultural crop, barley, crop type, deformation study, differential SAR interferometry, displacement estimation, growing season, in situ observed biomass, maize, polarimetric DInSAR phase diversity, polarimetric coherence region, polarization diversity, sugar beet, vegetation canopy, vegetation effect, vegetation growth effect, wheat, zero-baseline DInSAR phase diversity, Coherence, Interferometry, Synthetic aperture radar, Systematics, Vegetation, Vegetation mapping, Birefringence, radar remote sensing, vegetation. [bibtex-entry]

  26. Laurent Ferro-Famil, Yue Huang, and Eric Pottier. Principles and Applications of Polarimetric SAR Tomography for the Characterization of Complex Environments. In International Association of Geodesy Symposia, pages 1-13. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2015. [bibtex-entry]

  27. Alexander G. Fore, Bruce D. Chapman, Brian P. Hawkins, Scott Hensley, Cathleen E. Jones, Thierry R. Michel, and Ronald J. Muellerschoen. UAVSAR Polarimetric Calibration. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 53(6):3481-3491, June 2015. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, UAVSAR, Airborne SAR, Polarimetry, Polarimetric Calibration, calibration, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, UAVSAR polarimetric calibration, UAVSAR radar performance, airborne repeat-track SAR data, interferometric measurements, quadpolarization mode, radiometric calibration, reconfigurable polarimetric L-band SAR, residual RMS errors, root-mean-square, stable crosstalk estimates, uninhabited aerial vehicle synthetic aperture radar, Azimuth, Calibration, Crosstalk, Image resolution, Radiometry, Synthetic aperture radar, Airborne radar, polarimetric SAR, radar cross-sections, radar imaging, radar measurements, radar polarimetry, radar remote sensing, synthetic aperture radar (SAR). [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  28. R. Iglesias, A. Aguasca, X. Fabregas, J. J. Mallorqui, D. Monells, C. Lopez-Martinez, and L. Pipia. Ground-Based Polarimetric SAR Interferometry for the Monitoring of Terrain Displacement Phenomena - Part I: Theoretical Description. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8(3):980-993, March 2015. Keyword(s): geomorphology, radar interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, GB-InSAR techniques, GB-SAR sensors, PSI processing chains, PSI techniques, PolInSAR algorithms, PolSAR measurements, SLFMCW GB-SAR system, SLFMCW signals, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, acquisition time, classical single-polarimetric performances, coherent pixels technique, ground displacement episodes, ground displacement phenomena, ground-based SAR interferometry, ground-based polarimetric SAR interferometry, ground-based synthetic aperture radar, persistent scatterer interferomerty, polarimetric RiskSAR sensor, polarimetric SAR measurements, stepped linear frequency modulated continuous wave, terrain displacement phenomena monitoring, troposphere medium decorrelation, troposphere temporal homogeneity, vector network analyzers, Atmospheric measurements, Interferometry, Monitoring, Sensor phenomena and characterization, Synthetic aperture radar, Differential synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry (DInSAR), GB-SAR interferometry (GB-InSAR), frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar, ground-based SAR (GB-SAR), persistent scatterer interferomerty (PSI), polarimetric SAR interferometry (PolInSAR), stepped linear FMCW (SLFMCW) radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  29. R. Iglesias, A. Aguasca, X. Fabregas, J. J. Mallorqui, D. Monells, C. López-Martìnez, and L. Pipia. Ground-Based Polarimetric SAR Interferometry for the Monitoring of Terrain Displacement Phenomena --Part II: Applications. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8(3):994-1007, March 2015. Keyword(s): geomorphology, geophysical techniques, radar interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, Andorran Pyrenees, El Forn de Canillo, GB-InSAR techniques, GB-SAR sensors, Remote Sensing Laboratory, RiskSAR sensor, Spain, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, X-band, cost-effective solution, ground displacement phenomena, ground-based polarimetric SAR interferometry, ground-based synthetic aperture radar interferometry, in-field data, infrastructure safety, landslide monitoring, people safety, terrain displacement phenomena monitoring, urban landslides, urban subsidence, urban subsidence monitoring, zero-baseline configuration, Coherence, Interferometry, Monitoring, Sensitivity, Synthetic aperture radar, Terrain factors, Vectors, Differential synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry (DInSAR), displacement monitoring, frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar, ground-based SAR (GB-SAR), ground-based SAR interferometry (GBInSAR), persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI), polarimetric SAR interferometry (PolInSAR), steepest linear frequency modulated continuous wave (SLFMCW) radar. [bibtex-entry]

  30. Marco Lavalle and Scott Hensley. Extraction of Structural and Dynamic Properties of Forests From Polarimetric-Interferometric SAR Data Affected by Temporal Decorrelation. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 53(9):4752-4767, September 2015. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Decorrelation, Temporal Decorrelation, Gaussian processes, optical radar, radar imaging, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar, vegetation mapping, Gaussian-statistic motion model, Harvard Forest, L-band NASA Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar, Laser Vegetation and Ice Sensor, Massachussetts, NASA lidar, RMoG model, RVoG model, USA, canopy elements, canopy motion, forest biomass estimation, forest dynamic property, forest property estimation, forest structural property, forest vertical structure, least square distance minimization, lidar-derived height, multiplicative factors, polarimetric channels, polarimetric-interferometric SAR data, polarimetric-interferometric coherence, polarimetric-interferometric radar image, random-motion-over-ground model, random-volume-over-ground model, temporal coherence, temporal decorrelation effect, tree height, volumetric coherence, volumetric decorrelation effect, wave polarization, Biomass, Coherence, Data models, Decorrelation, Radar, Vegetation, Decorrelation, interferometry, polarimetry. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  31. Shaun Quegan and M.R. Lomas. The Interaction Between Faraday Rotation and System Effects in Synthetic Aperture Radar Measurements of Backscatter and Biomass. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on, 53(8):4299-4312, August 2015. Keyword(s): Faraday effect, backscatter, geophysical techniques, synthetic aperture radar, European space agency BIOMASS mission, P-band radar, backscatter synthetic aperture radar measurement, biomass estimation error, biomass synthetic aperture radar measurement, channel imbalance deviation magnitude, distortion term amplitude, distortion term phase, faraday rotation, first-order analysis, long-wavelength space-based radar, polarimetric backscattering coefficient, polarimetric scattering matrix measurement, power-law relation, signal-to-noise ratio, stringent condition, system distortion, Backscatter, Biomass, Crosstalk, Distortion measurement, Faraday effect, Noise, Scattering, Biomass, Faraday rotation, calibration, long-wavelength radar, polarimetric measurements, system distortion. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  32. Alberto Villa, Lorenzo Iannini, Davide Giudici, Andrea Monti-Guarnieri, and Stefano Tebaldini. Calibration of SAR Polarimetric Images by Means of a Covariance Matching Approach. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 53(2):674-686, February 2015. Keyword(s): Faraday effect, calibration, covariance analysis, numerical analysis, optimisation, parameter estimation, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar, Faraday rotation, SAR polarimetric imaging, corner reflector, covariance matching approach, intrinsic ambiguity identification, numerical method, optimization, polarimetric calibration, repeated full polarimetric ALOS PALSAR imaging, retrieved distortion parameter stability, synthetic aperture radar, system polarimetric distortion parameter estimation, Calibration, Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, Estimation, Faraday effect, Noise, Sensitivity, Thyristors, Covariance matching, Faraday rotation, numerical methods, polarimetric calibration. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  33. Scott Hensley, S. Oveisgharan, S. Saatchi, M. Simard, R. Ahmed, and Z. Haddad. An Error Model for Biomass Estimates Derived From Polarimetric Radar Backscatter. IEEE_J_GRS, 52(7):4065-4082, July 2014. Keyword(s): air pollution, carbon capture and storage, remote sensing by radar, vegetation, above ground biomass, basic imaging physics, biomass estimation accuracy, carbon flux measurement, carbon storage, disturbance quantification, ecosystem processes, error model, forest carbon inventories, forested areas, ground carbon, instrument parameter, mission parameter, notional Earth observing mission, polarimetric radar backscatter, radar polarimetric measurements, regrowth quantification, remote sensing measurements, Backscatter, Biological system modeling, Biomass, Radar measurements, Radar polarimetry, Signal to noise ratio, Backscatter error model, forest biomass, polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar (SAR). [bibtex-entry]

  34. R. Iglesias, X. Fabregas, A. Aguasca, J. J. Mallorqui, C. Lopez-Martinez, J. A. Gili, and J. Corominas. Atmospheric Phase Screen Compensation in Ground-Based SAR With a Multiple-Regression Model Over Mountainous Regions. IEEE_J_GRS, 52(5):2436-2449, May 2014. Keyword(s): GB-SAR, ground-based SAR, terrestrial SAR, geophysical techniques, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar, AD 2010 10 to 2011 10, Andorran Pyrenees, El Forn de Canillo, GB-SAR sensor, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, X-band, atmospheric fluctuations, atmospheric phase screen compensation process, differential-SAR-interferometry applications, ground-based SAR data, mountainous environment, mountainous regions, multiple-regression model, multitemporal GB-SAR measurements, one-year measurement campaign, polarimetric SAR data, steep topography effect, strong rain episodes, zero-baseline fully polarimetric data sets, Atmospheric phase screen (APS) compensation, differential synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry (DInSAR), ground-based SAR (GB-SAR), polarimetry, steep topography. [bibtex-entry]

  35. R. Iglesias, D. Monells, X. Fabregas, J. J. Mallorqui, A. Aguasca, and C. Lopez-Martinez. Phase Quality Optimization in Polarimetric Differential SAR Interferometry. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52(5):2875-2888, May 2014. Keyword(s): geophysical techniques, optimisation, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, ALOS, DInSAR processing, DInSAR techniques, RADARSAT-2, TerraSAR-X, advanced land observing satellite, amplitude dispersion case, amplitude dispersion maps, classical single-polarimetric approach, coherence case, differential SAR interferometry, differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry, final DInSAR result density, final DInSAR result reliability, fully polarimetric data unavailability, ground-based SAR fully polarimetric data, interferometric technique merging, orbital SAR fully polarimetric data, phase quality optimization, pixel candidate number threefold, pixel phase quality, pixel selection process, polarimetric capabilities, polarimetric differential SAR interferometry, polarimetric optimization techniques, polarimetric technique merging, polarimetrically optimized coherence, satellite launch, single-polarimetric case, Amplitude dispersion optimization, coherence optimization, differential synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry (DInSAR), polarimetric DInSAR (PolDInSAR), polarimetry. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  36. Silvan Leinss, Giuseppe Parrella, and Irena Hajnsek. Snow height determination by polarimetric phase differences in X-band SAR data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7(9):3794-3810, Sept 2014. Keyword(s): hydrological techniques, remote sensing by radar, snow, synthetic aperture radar, AD 2012 01, AD 2012 12 to 2013 04, CPD temporal evolution, Finland, HH polarization, Sodankylae city, TanDEM-X, TanDEM-X acquisitions, TerraSAR-X acquisitions, VV polarization, X-band SAR acquisitions, X-band SAR data, aligned elliptical particles, computer tomography observations, copolar phase difference, fresh snow depth, polarimetric phase difference, snow height determination, snow microstructure, subsequent recrystallization process, temperature-gradient-driven recrystallization process, weather station data, Backscatter, Scattering, Snow, Soil, Soil measurements, Synthetic aperture radar, Temperature measurement, Birefringence, TanDEM-X, TerraSAR-X, VV-HH phase difference, copolar phase difference, dry snow, fresh snow, polarimetry, snow anisotropy, snow microstructure, synthetic aperture radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  37. Octavio Ponce, Pau Prats-Iraola, Muriel Pinheiro, Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Rolf Scheiber, Andreas Reigber, and Alberto Moreira. Fully Polarimetric High-Resolution 3-D Imaging With Circular SAR at L-Band. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 52(6):3074-3090, June 2014. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Circular SAR, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, MoComp, Motion Compensation, Bandwidth, Image resolution, Imaging, L-band, Synthetic aperture radar, Trajectory, Autofocus, circular synthetic aperture radar (CSAR), fast factorized back-projection, FFBP, graphics processing unit (GPU), high-resolution SAR, polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), tomography, SAR Tomography. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  38. O. Ponce, P. Prats-Iraola, R. Scheiber, A. Reigber, A. Moreira, and E. Aguilera. Polarimetric 3-D Reconstruction From Multicircular SAR at P-Band. IEEE_J_GRSL, 11(4):803-807, April 2014. Keyword(s): airborne radar, array signal processing, calibration, compressed sensing, image reconstruction, image resolution, optical focusing, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, radar resolution, singular value decomposition, synthetic aperture radar, 2D image stacking, 3D cone-shaped sidelobe suppression, 3D reconstruction polarimetry, BF, CS, DLR, FFBP, German Aerospace Center F-SAR system, LOS, P-band, SVD, Vordemwald Switzerland, beamforming, circular flight, complex reflectivity solution, compressive sensing, constant phase offset estimation, fast-factorized back projection, line of sight, multicircular synthetic aperture radar, phase calibration method, polarimetric MCSAR airborne experiment, Apertures, Calibration, Focusing, Image resolution, Remote sensing, Synthetic aperture radar, Circular synthetic aperture radar (SAR) (CSAR), compressive sensing (CS), phase calibration, polarimetric SAR (PolSAR), singular value decomposition (SVD), tomography. [bibtex-entry]

  39. S. Zwieback and I. Hajnsek. Statistical Tests for Symmetries in Polarimetric Scattering Coherency Matrices. IEEE_J_GRSL, 11(1):308-312, January 2014. Keyword(s): airborne radar, covariance matrices, geophysical equipment, geophysical techniques, invariance, radar polarimetry, scattering, statistical testing, Freeman-Durden decomposition, SAR polarimetry, airborne L-band data, covariance matrix, likelihood-ratio testing, mature rape field, polarimetric scattering coherency matrix, reflection invariance hypothesis, reflection symmetry, second-order statistics, synthetic aperture radar polarimetry, vegetation growth, Parametric statistics, polarimetric synthetic aperture radar, radar remote sensing. [bibtex-entry]

  40. Esteban Aguilera, Matteo Nannini, and Andreas Reigber. A Data-Adaptive Compressed Sensing Approach to Polarimetric SAR Tomography of Forested Areas. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 10(3):543-547, May 2013. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Compressed sensing, Compressive sensing, Covariance matrix, Synthetic aperture radar, Tomography, data compression, forestry, radar polarimetry, tomography, vegetation mapping, wavelet transforms, DLR, E-SAR sensor, German Aerospace Center, covariance fitting, data adaptive compressed sensing approach, data adaptive orthonormal basis, forested areas, fully polarimetric L-band data, multiple looks, multiple polarimetric channels, partial scatterers, polarimetric SAR tomography, superresolution imaging, Distributed compressed sensing (DCS), Kronecker basis, polarimetry, wavelets, E-SAR, F-SAR, L-Band, Airborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  41. Esteban Aguilera, Matteo Nannini, and Andreas Reigber. Wavelet-Based Compressed Sensing for SAR Tomography of Forested Areas. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 51(12):5283-5295, December 2013. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Covariance matrix, Estimation, Power distribution, Sensors, Synthetic aperture radar, Tomography, Wavelet transforms, Compressed sensing (CS), compressive sensing, CS, forest structure, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) tomography, wavelets, E-SAR, F-SAR, L-Band, Airborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  42. Seung-Kuk Lee, Florian Kugler, Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou, and Irena Hajnsek. Quantification of Temporal Decorrelation Effects at L-Band for Polarimetric SAR Interferometry Applications. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 6(3):1351-1367, June 2013. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Decorrelation, Temporal Decorrelation, airborne radar, data acquisition, decorrelation, estimation theory, radar polarimetry, spaceborne radar, synthetic aperture radar, BioSAR 2007, L-band E-SAR repeat-pass data acquisition, Pol-InSAR forest parameter inversion, TempoSAR 2008, TempoSAR 2009, ground temporal decorrelation effect, height inversion error, interferometric repeat-pass mode, multibaseline Pol-InSAR data acquisition, polarimetric SAR interferometry application, quantitative estimation, rain-induced dielectric change, satellite airborne SAR system, temporal baseline estimation, time 10 min to 54 day, velocity 2 m/s, volume temporal decorrelation effect, Height inversion, polarimetric synthetic aperture radar interferometry (Pol-InSAR), temporal baseline, temporal decorrelation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  43. Mauro Mariotti d' Alessandro, Stefano Tebaldini, and Fabio Rocca. Phenomenology of Ground Scattering in a Tropical Forest Through Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Tomography. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 51(8):4430-4437, August 2013. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Biomass, SAR Tomography, Tomography, Polarimetry, Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar, SAR Interferometry, Interferometry, Multibaseline Interferometry, digital signal processing, forest, longer wavelength radar, P-Band, Airborne SAR, Paracou, French Guyana, ONERA, SETHI, TropiSAR, ESA. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  44. Alberto Moreira, Pau Prats-Iraola, Marwan Younis, Gerhard Krieger, Irena Hajnsek, and Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou. A tutorial on synthetic aperture radar. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, 1(1):6-43, March 2013. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Tutorial, SAR Focusing, Azimuth Focusing, SAR Interferometry, SAR Polarimetry, polarimetric interferometry, PolInSAR, InSAR, SAR Tomography, geophysical techniques, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, Earth remote sensing, bistatic configurations, differential interferometry, digital beamforming, holographic tomography, multiple-input multiple-output, multistatic configurations, polarimetric SAR interferometry, polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar, Radar imaging, Remote sensing, Scattering, Spaceborne radar, Synthetic aperture radar, Tutorial, Teaching Material, Teaching. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  45. Luca Pipia, Xavier Fabregas, Albert Aguasca, and Carlos Lopez-Martinez. Polarimetric Temporal Analysis of Urban Environments With a Ground-Based SAR. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 51(4):2343-2360, 2013. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Ground-based SAR, GBSAR, DInSAR, Differential SAR Interferometry, X-Band, Time series, Polarimetry, SAR Polarimetry, Backscatter, Geologic measurements, Monitoring, Scattering, Stability analysis, Synthetic aperture radar, Urban areas, Ground-based synthetic aperture radar (gbSAR) systems, polarimetric entropy, radar polarimetry. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  46. Esteban Aguilera, Matteo Nannini, and Andreas Reigber. Multisignal Compressed Sensing for Polarimetric SAR Tomography. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 5(9):871-875, September 2012. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, Compressed sensing, Remote sensing, Sensors, Tomography, Vectors, compressed sensing, compressive sensing, CS, geometry, image reconstruction, image sensors, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar, tomography, 3D imaging, DCS, E-SAR sensor, German Aerospace Center, azimuth-range pixel, data collection processing, distributed compressed sensing, multisignal compressed sensing, parallel track, polarimetric L-band data, polarimetric SAR sensor, polarimetric SAR tomography, polarimetric channel, polarimetric synthetic aperture radar sensor, repeat-pass acquisition geometry, signal reconstruction, temporal baseline, tomographic signal, vertical reflectivity function, Compressed sensing (CS), distributed compressed sensing (DCS), polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) tomography, L-band, E-SAR, F-SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  47. Yue Huang, Laurant Ferro-Famil, and Andreas Reigber. Under-Foliage Object Imaging Using SAR Tomography and Polarimetric Spectral Estimators. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 50(6):2213-2225, June 2012. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  48. B. Minchew, C.E. Jones, and B. Holt. Polarimetric Analysis of Backscatter From the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Using L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on, 50(10):3812-3830, October 2012. Keyword(s): AD 2010 06 23, Bragg scattering mechanism, DWH slick, Gulf of Mexico, L-band synthetic aperture radar, backscatter polarimetric analysis, coherency matrix eigenvalue, deepwater horizon, deepwater horizon oil spill, dielectric constant, entropy parameters, fully-polarimetric uninhabited aerial vehicle, ocean wave spectral components, oil slick, oil volumetric concentration, radar backscatter, sea water, slick detection method, substantial variation parameter, surface scattering analysis, synthetic aperture radar data, backscatter, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, entropy, marine pollution, matrix algebra, ocean chemistry, ocean waves, oceanographic regions, oceanographic techniques, permittivity, radar interferometry, remote sensing by radar, seawater, synthetic aperture radar;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  49. Matteo Nannini, Rolf Scheiber, Ralf Horn, and Alberto Moreira. First 3-D Reconstructions of Targets Hidden Beneath Foliage by Means of Polarimetric SAR Tomography. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 9(1):60-64, January 2012. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, 3-D reconstructions, AD 2006 09, Dornstetten test site, E-SAR system, German Aerospace Center, Germany, L-band airborne data, imaging technique, multiple phase center separation, polarimetric SAR tomography, tomographic campaign, volume structure information, geophysical image processing, geophysical techniques, image reconstruction, synthetic aperture radar;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  50. Victor D. Navarro-Sanchez and Juan M. Lopez-Sanchez. Improvement of Persistent-Scatterer Interferometry Performance by Means of a Polarimetric Optimization. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 9(4):609-613, July 2012. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, persistent scatterer interferometry, PSI, urban area, deformation monitoring, polarimetric optimization, Spain, TerraSAR-X, optimization, phase quality, pixel identification, polarimetry, polarization image, airborne radar, artificial satellites, electromagnetic wave scattering, geophysical image processing, optimisation, polarisation, radar imaging, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar, spaceborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  51. Marc Simard, Scott Hensley, Marco Lavalle, Ralph Dubayah, Naiara Pinto, and Michelle Hofton. An Empirical Assessment of Temporal Decorrelation Using the Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar over Forested Landscapes. Remote Sensing, 4(4):975-986, 2012. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Decorrelation, Temporal Decorrelation, Differential Interferometry, DInSAR, SAR Interferometry, Coherence, Airborne SAR, UAVSAR, L-Band. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  52. Stefano Tebaldini and Fabio Rocca. Multibaseline Polarimetric SAR Tomography of a Boreal Forest at P- and L-Bands. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 50(1):232-246, January 2012. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, ESA campaign BioSAR, Krycklan River catchment, L-band analysis, Northern Sweden, P-band analysis, PolInSAR approach, algebraic synthesis technique, boreal forest, direct volume backscattering process, ground-volume interaction process, multibaseline polarimetric SAR tomography, multipolarimetric data acquisition, polarimetric analysis, remote sensing, single-baseline data analysis, tomographic analysis, tomographic imaging method, vegetation layer analysis, backscatter, data acquisition, forestry, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, rivers, synthetic aperture radar, tomography, vegetation mapping;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  53. Mariko S. Burgin, D. Clewley, R. M. Lucas, and Mahta Moghaddam. A Generalized Radar Backscattering Model Based on Wave Theory for Multilayer Multispecies Vegetation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49(12):4832-4845, December 2011. Keyword(s): backscatter, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, vegetation, AIRSAR data, ALOS PALSAR, Advanced Land Observing Satellite, Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar data, Australia, NASA JPL, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Phased Arrayed L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar data, Queensland, distorted Born approximation, generalized radar backscattering model, microwave interaction, multilayer multispecies vegetation, polarimetric radar backscattering coefficients, single species discrete scatterer model, soil moisture, structurally complex vegetation, surface model, surface roughness parameterization, two layer crown trunk models, wave theory, wooded savanna sites, Backscatter, Data models, Mathematical model, Scattering, Synthetic aperture radar, Vegetation, Forest scattering, multispecies vegetation, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) backscattering, wave theory. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  54. Othmar Frey and Erich Meier. Analyzing Tomographic SAR Data of a Forest With Respect to Frequency, Polarization, and Focusing Technique. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 49(10):3648-3659, October 2011. Keyword(s): Airborne radar, Array signal processing, Capon, Capon beamformer, L-band, P-band, SAR processing, SAR tomography, beamforming, Focusing, forestry, interferometry, InSAR, multibaseline, multiple signal classification, MUSIC, polarimetry, Remote Sensing, synthetic aperture radar, SAR, scattering, three-dimensional imaging, 3-D imaging, time-domain back-projection, TDBP, tomography, Vegetation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  55. Stefan Sauer, Laurent Ferro-Famil, Andreas Reigber, and Eric Pottier. Three-Dimensional Imaging and Scattering Mechanism Estimation Over Urban Scenes Using Dual-Baseline Polarimetric InSAR Observations at L-Band. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., PP(99):1-14, 2011. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, Capon, MUSIC, multiple signal classification, Polarimetry, Multibaseline SAR, InSAR, Interferometry, SAR Interferometry, Urban Remote Sensing. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  56. G. Krieger, Irena Hajnsek, Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou, M. Younis, and A. Moreira. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Missions Employing Formation Flying. Proceedings of the IEEE, 98(5):816-843, May 2010. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Tandem-L, Tandem-X, Formation Flying, Spaceborne SAR, SAR Tomography, Tomography. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  57. G. Margarit, J. J. Mallorqui, and L. Pipia. Polarimetric Characterization and Temporal Stability Analysis of Urban Target Scattering. IEEE_J_GRS, 48(4):2038-2048, April 2010. Keyword(s): geophysical image processing, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar, vegetation mapping, GRaphical Electromagnetic Computing SAR data, RADARSAT-2, TerraSAR-X, geometrical configuration, geometry-scattering, high resolution images, land classification, nonprobabilistic models, polarimetric capabilities, polarimetric characterization, polarimetric-dispersion properties, quasideterministic scattering behavior, synthetic aperture radar images, temporal stability analysis, urban target scattering, urban-image postprocessing, Analytical models, Computational modeling, Electromagnetic modeling, Electromagnetic scattering, Geometry, Image analysis, Radar scattering, Solid modeling, Stability analysis, Synthetic aperture radar, Polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) simulation, urban scattering. [bibtex-entry]

  58. V. D. Navarro-Sanchez, J. M. Lopez-Sanchez, and F. Vicente-Guijalba. A Contribution of Polarimetry to Satellite Differential SAR Interferometry: Increasing the Number of Pixel Candidates. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 7(2):276-280, April 2010. Keyword(s): geophysical techniques, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar, TerraSAR-X, advanced differential SAR interferometry, amplitude dispersion index, amplitude dispersion selection, average coherence, copolar linear channels, dual-pol images, interferograms, pixel candidates, polarimetric information, satellite sensors, single-pol data, urban area, Differential synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry, polarimetry. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  59. Maxim Neumann, Laurent Ferro-Famil, and Andreas Reigber. Estimation of Forest Structure, Ground, and Canopy Layer Characteristics From Multibaseline Polarimetric Interferometric SAR Data. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 48(3):1086-1104, March 2010. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Multibaseline SAR, Germany, PolInSAR, RVoG, vertical structure, Traunstein test site, airborne SAR, L-band, angular distribution, canopy layer heights, differential extinction, double-bounce ground-trunk interactions, forest layer heights, forest parameter retrieval, forest structure estimation, forest vegetation, ground topography, ground-to-volume ratio, ground-truth measurements, interferometric coherence, particle scattering anisotropy, polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar interferometry, polarimetric decomposition, polarimetric scattering media model, polarization orientation randomness, random-volume-over-ground PolInSAR parameter inversion, repeat-pass configuration, root-mean-square error, surface scattering, temporal decorrelation, tree morphology, volume coherency matrices, volumetric canopy, volumetric understory scattering, wave attenuation, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, vegetation mapping;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  60. Stefano Tebaldini. Single and Multipolarimetric SAR Tomography of Forested Areas: A Parametric Approach. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 48(5):2375-2387, May 2010. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, Forest, Forestry, Fourier spectrum, Remningstorp, Sweden, backscattered powers, covariance matching estimation technique, effective scattering centers, forested areas, multibaseline data, multiple synthetic aperture radar observations, multipolarimetric SAR tomography, multipolarimetric acquisition, parameter estimation, polarimetric data set, radar signal processing, real P-band multibaseline, resolution cell, geophysical signal processing, geophysical techniques, optical tomography, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  61. Franck Garestier, Pascale C. Dubois-Fernandez, Dominique Guyon, and Thuy Le Toan. Forest Biophysical Parameter Estimation Using L- and P-Band Polarimetric SAR Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 47(10):3379-3388, October 2009. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Biomass, Biophysical Parameters, Forst, L-Band, P-Band, PolSAR, SAR Polarimetry, Airborne SAR, RAMSES, ONERA. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  62. Irena Hajnsek, Thomas Jagdhuber, Helmut Schön, and Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou. Potential of Estimating Soil Moisture Under Vegetation Cover by Means of PolSAR. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 47(2):442-454, Feb. 2009. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, agriculture, crops, moisture, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, soil, synthetic aperture radarAgriSAR campaign, L-band, PolSAR images, PolSAR, agricultural vegetation, canonical scattering components, crop types, dihedral components, polarimetric SAR acquisitions, scattering processes, soil moisture estimation, synthetic aperture radar, vegetation cover, ESAR, Airborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  63. Luca Pipia, Xavier Fabregas, Albert Aguasca, Carlos Lopez-Martinez, Sergi Duque, Jordi J. Mallorqui, and Jordi Marturia. Polarimetric Differential SAR Interferometry: First Results With Ground-Based Measurements. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 6(1):167-171, January 2009. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, GBSAR, Ground-based SAR, deformation monitoring, geomorphology, geophysical signal processing, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, topography (Earth), AD 2006 06 to 2007 03, PolSAR, Remote Sensing Laboratory, Sallent, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, coherent pixels technique, ground-based synthetic aperture radar sensor, high-quality deformation maps, northeastern Spain, polarimetric differential SAR interferometry, subsidence information, troposphere changes, zero-baseline polarimetric SAR, Ground-based synthetic aperture radar (GBSAR) sensor, SAR differential interferometry (DInSAR), SAR polarimetry. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  64. S. Sauer, L. Ferro-Famil, A. Reigber, and E. Pottier. Polarimetric Dual-Baseline InSAR Building Height Estimation at L-Band. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 6(3):408-412, July 2009. Keyword(s): SAR Procerssing, PolInSAR, Polarimetry, InSAR, SAR Interferometry, Dual-Baseline, Multi-baseline SAR, SAR Tomography, Tomography, ESAR, Airborne SAR, Building Height. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  65. Stefano Tebaldini. Algebraic Synthesis of Forest Scenarios From Multibaseline PolInSAR Data. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 47(12):4132-4142, December 2009. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, E-SAR, P-Band, algebra, geophysical techniques, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, vegetationBioSAR, E-SAR airborne system, Kronecker products sum, P-band data set, Remningstorp, SAR surveys, Sweden, algebraic synthesis, forest scenarios, forested areas, least square solution, multibaseline PolInSAR data, multipolarimetric multibaseline synthetic aperture radar, single-baseline polarimetric SAR interferometry, statistical uncorrelation, temporal coherence losses, volumetric coherence losses. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  66. Simon H. Yueh, Steve J. Dinardo, Ahmed Akgiray, Richard West, Donald W. Cline, and Kelly Elder. Airborne Ku-Band Polarimetric Radar Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Snow Cover. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 47(10):3347-3364, October 2009. Keyword(s): snow, ku-band, airborne radar, backscatter, hydrological techniques, ice, radar cross-sections, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, snow, vegetation, AD 2006 to 2008, CLPX-II, Cold Land Processes Experiment, Colorado, HH/VV backscatter ratio, Ku-band polarimetric scatterometer, POLSCAT data acquisition, USA, airborne Ku-band polarimetric radar, biomass, freeze-thaw cycles, ice crust layers, ice lenses, radar echoes, radar signals, radiative transfer scattering model, remote sensing, snow-grain size, snow-water-equivalent accumulation, snowpack change, surface hoar growth, terrestrial snow cover, vegetation types, Microwave remote sensing, radar, snow. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  67. Jong-Sen Lee, T.L. Ainsworth, J.P. Kelly, and C. Lopez-Martinez. Evaluation and Bias Removal of Multilook Effect on Entropy/Alpha/Anisotropy in Polarimetric SAR Decomposition. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 46(10):3039-3052, Oct. 2008. Keyword(s): Monte Carlo methods, geophysical techniques, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, vegetationGerman Aerospace Research Center, JPL, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, L-band Advanced Land Observing Satellite, Monte Carlo simulation, airborne X-band polarimetric SAR, airborne interferometric SAR, alpha estimation, anisotropy estimation, bias removal algorithm, entropy estimation, forest, geophysical parameter estimation, grassland, multilook processing, phased array type L-band SAR, polarimetric SAR decomposition, scattering mechanisms, urban returns. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  68. Franz J. Meyer and J.B. Nicoll. Prediction, Detection, and Correction of Faraday Rotation in Full-Polarimetric L-Band SAR Data. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 46(10):3076-3086, Oct. 2008. Keyword(s): Faraday effect, electromagnetic wave polarisation, ionospheric disturbances, ionospheric electromagnetic wave propagation, ionospheric techniques, radar polarimetry, radiowave propagation, remote sensing by radar, spaceborne radar, synthetic aperture radarAdvanced Land Observing Satellite, Faraday rotation correction, Faraday rotation detection, Faraday rotation estimation, Faraday rotation prediction, PALSAR, SAR data quality degradation, data continuity, full polarimetric L-band SAR data, geophysical parameter recovery accuracy, kilometer scale ionospheric disturbances, spaceborne L-band SAR instrument, synthetic aperture radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  69. Maxim Neumann, Laurent Ferro-Famil, and Andreas Reigber. Multibaseline Polarimetric SAR Interferometry Coherence Optimization. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 5(1):93-97, January 2008. Keyword(s): coherence, optimisation, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar, coherence optimization, multibaseline polarimetric SAR interferometry, scattering mechanism, synthetic aperture radar sensor, Interferometry, L-band, Optimization methods, Phase estimation, Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar, Polarization, Radar scattering, Samarium, Signal resolution, Uncertainty, Coherence optimization, multibaseline (MB), polarimetric synthetic aperture radar interferometry (PolInSAR). [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  70. L. Pipia, X. Fabregas, A. Aguasca, and C. Lopez-Martinez. Atmospheric Artifact Compensation in Ground-Based DInSAR Applications. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 5(1):88-92, January 2008. Keyword(s): GB-SAR, ground-based SAR, terrestrial SAR, atmospheric humidity, atmospheric pressure, atmospheric techniques, atmospheric temperature, radar interferometry, synthetic aperture radar, AD 2005 06, Barcelona, Collserola Park, Spain, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, atmosphere variations, atmospheric artifact compensation, coherence-based technique, differential interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar, ground-Based DInSAR applications, heterogeneous environment, interferometric information, polarimetric measurements, Atmosphere, Atmospheric measurements, Atmospheric modeling, Information retrieval, Interferometry, Layout, Sensor phenomena and characterization, Sensor systems, Synthetic aperture radar, Testing, Differential interferometric SAR (DInSAR), GB-SAR sensor, polarimetric SAR (PolSAR), synthetic aperture radar (SAR). [bibtex-entry]

  71. Ridha Touzi. Target Scattering Decomposition in Terms of Roll-Invariant Target Parameters. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 45(1):73-84, January 2007. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Polarimetric Decomposition, Canada, Cloude-Pottier incoherent target decomposition, Cloude-Pottier scattering type, Kennaugh-Huynen scattering matrix condiagonalization, Ontario, Pauli basis, Ramsar Mer Bleue wetland site, asymmetric scattering, coherent target scattering, entropy, maximum polarization parameters, polarimetric Convair-580 airborne SAR, polarization basis invariant representation, roll invariant target parameters, scattering vector model, symmetric scattering magnitude, symmetric scattering phase, synthetic aperture radar, target orientation angle, target phase parameters, target scattering decomposition, S-matrix theory, airborne radar, geophysical techniques, radar theory, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  72. Thomas L. Ainsworth, Laurent Ferro-Famil, and Jong-Sen Lee. Orientation angle preserving a posteriori polarimetric SAR calibration. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 44(4):994-1003, April 2006. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Polarimetry, Polarimetric Calibration, calibration, radar polarimetrybackscatter, calibration, covariance matrices, geophysical techniques, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, SAR data analysis, a posteriori polarimetric SAR calibration, anechoic chamber data, orientation angle, polarimetric channels, polarimetric covariance matrix, polarimetric distortion, polarimetric fidelity, polarimetric synthetic aperture radar, radar polarimetry, scattering reciprocity, Calibration, Costs, Covariance matrix, Data analysis, Equations, Parameter estimation, Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar, Radar scattering, Soil moisture, Synthetic aperture radar, Calibration, radar polarimetry. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  73. Shane R. Cloude. Polarization coherence tomography. Radio Sci., 41, August 2006. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, radar tomography, polarimetric interferometry, radar polarimetry, Remote sensing, Inverse scattering, Random media and rough surfaces, Interferometry, InSAR, SAR Interferometry, PolInSAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  74. E. Colin, C. Titin-Schnaider, and W. Tabbara. An interferometric coherence optimization method in radar polarimetry for high-resolution imagery. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 44(1):167-175, January 2006. Keyword(s): backscatter, data acquisition, geophysical signal processing, geophysical techniques, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, radiowave interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, X-band interferometric SAR image, X-band polarimetric SAR image, anechoic chamber, data acquisition, high-resolution imagery, interferometric coherence optimization, point scatterer separation, radar polarimetry, single-mechanism coherence, synthetic aperture radar, target measurements, Anechoic chambers, Antenna measurements, Decorrelation, Electromagnetic scattering, Image resolution, Optimization methods, Polarization, Radar polarimetry, Radar scattering, Synthetic aperture radar interferometry, Coherence optimization, interferometry, polarimetry. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  75. J.L. Gomez-Dans, S. Quegan, and J.C. Bennett. Indoor C-band polarimetric interferometry observations of a mature wheat canopy. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 44(4):768-777, April 2006. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, 2D scan, HH polarization, VH polarization, VV polarization, crop height retrieval, ground-based synthetic aperture radar, incidence angle, indoor C-band polarimetric interferometry observation, polarimetric coherence optimization, polarimetric tomography, polarization synthesis, unconstrained coherence optimization, vegetation monitoring, wheat canopy, crops, radar polarimetry, radiowave interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, vegetation mapping;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  76. L. Thirion, E. Colin, and C. Dahon. Capabilities of a forest coherent scattering model applied to radiometry, interferometry, and polarimetry at P- and L-band. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44(4):849 - 862, April 2006. Keyword(s): L-band, P-band, SAR image, backscattering, electromagnetic study, forest coherent scattering model, forested areas, radar configuration, radar image, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, radiometry, synthetic aperture radar, temperate forests, tropical forests, backscatter, forestry, microwave measurement, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, radiometry, radiowave interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, vegetation mapping;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  77. Y. Yamaguchi, Y. Yajima, and H. Yamada. A four-component decomposition of POLSAR images based on the coherency matrix. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 3(3):292 -296, July 2006. Keyword(s): POLSAR image decomposition, coherency matrix, covariance matrix, four-component decomposition, nonreflection symmetric scattering, polarimetric SAR, synthetic aperture radar, covariance matrices, geophysical techniques, image processing, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  78. Rafael Zandoná-Schneider, K.P. Papathanassiou, Irena Hajnsek, and Alberto Moreira. Polarimetric and interferometric characterization of coherent scatterers in urban areas. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 44(4):971-984, 2006. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Persistent Scatterer Interferometry, PSI, Selection of point target candidates, backscatter, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, radiowave interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, L-band radar, SAR interferometry, SAR polarimetry, airborne SAR data, orientation angle, point-like coherent scatterers, quadpolarized images, synthetic aperture radar, urban areas, Azimuth, Data mining, Interferometry, Object detection, Polarimetry, Radar detection, Radar scattering, Synthetic aperture radar, Urban areas, Coherent scatterers, SAR interferometry, SAR polarimetry, orientation angle, polarimetric SAR interferometry, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), urban areas. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  79. A. Reigber and L. Ferro-Famil. Interference suppression in synthesized SAR images. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 2(1):45-49, 2005. Keyword(s): SAR Processsing, filtering theory, interference suppression, radar imaging, radar interference, synthetic aperture radar, German Aerospace Agency, L-Band, ESAR, SAR imaging, data processing, experimental SAR system, focused SAR images, SLC, image degradation, interferometric coherence, interferometric repeat-pass data, polarimetric descriptors, RFI Suppression, sensitive parameters estimation, synthetic aperture radar imaging. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  80. Y. Yamaguchi, T. Moriyama, M. Ishido, and H. Yamada. Four-component scattering model for polarimetric SAR image decomposition. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 43(8):1699-1706, August 2005. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, polarimetric decomposition, Yamaguchi decomposition, asymmetric covariance matrix, cloud, co-pol correlation, cross-pol correlation, dipole scatterers, double bounce scattering, four-component scattering model, helix scattering power, image decomposition, nonreflection symmetric scattering, polarimetric SAR, probability density function, radar polarimetry, reflection symmetry condition, scattering contribution decomposition, surface scattering, symmetric covariance matrix, synthetic aperture radar, three-component decomposition method, urban area scattering, volume scattering, covariance matrices, geophysical signal processing, probability, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  81. V. Alberga and M. Chandra. Volume decorrelation resolution in polarimetric SAR interferometry. Electronics Letters, 39(3):314-315, February 2003. Keyword(s): buildings, distributed scatterer height, forests, interferometric coherence images, man-made artifacts, polarimetric SAR data, polarimetric SAR interferometry, random volumes, stationary distributed targets, synthetic aperture radar, volume decorrelation resolution, decorrelation, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, radiowave interferometry, synthetic aperture radar, target tracking;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  82. Jong-Sen Lee, Shane R. Cloude, Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou, M. R. Grunes, and I. H. Woodhouse. Speckle filtering and coherence estimation of polarimetric SAR interferometry data for forest applications. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 41(10):2254-2263, October 2003. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Forest, Forest parameters, biomass, averaging, boxcar filter, coherence estimation, forest applications, forest heights, ground topography, interferometric coherence, neighboring pixels, polarimetric SAR interferometry data, polarimetric interferometry matrix, polarimetric synthetic aperture radar interferometry, random volume, scattering characteristics, speckle filtering, adaptive filters, forestry, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, radiowave interferometry, remote sensing by radar, speckle, synthetic aperture radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  83. Jean-Claude Souyris, Caroline Henry, and Frédéric Adragna. On the use of complex SAR image spectral analysis for target detection: assessment of polarimetry. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 41(12):2725-2734, December 2003. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Interferometry, SAR Interferometry, Persistent Scatterer Interferometry, PSI, Interferometric Point Target Analysis, IPTA, Spectral coherence, Selection of point target candidates, radar detection, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, spectral analysis, synthetic aperture radar, 2L-HIP derivation, azimuth, clutter, complex SAR image spectral analysis, magnitude, phase, point target detection, polarimetry, range spectra, synthetic aperture radar polarimetric image, target detection, two-looks internal Hermitian product, Azimuth, Image analysis, Object detection, Polarization, Radar clutter, Radar imaging, Radar polarimetry, Speckle, Spectral analysis, Synthetic aperture radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  84. Jong-Sen Lee, D.L. Schuler, and T.L. Ainsworth. Polarimetric SAR data compensation for terrain azimuth slope. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 38(5):2153-2163, 2000. Keyword(s): geophysical techniques, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, POLSAR, azimuth slope variation, data compensation, effective scattering pixel area, geophysical measurement technique, land surface, polarimetric SAR, polarization, radar cross section, radar remote sensing, radiometric slope correction. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  85. Richard Rau and James H. McClellan. Analytic Models and Postprocessing Techniques for UWB SAR. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 36(4):1058-1074, October 2000. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Back-Projection, Ultra-Wideband SAR, TDBP, Time-Domain Back-Projection. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  86. A. Reigber and A. Moreira. First Demonstration of Airborne SAR Tomography Using Multibaseline L-Band Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 38(5):2142-2152, 2000. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, airborne radar, geophysical techniques, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, topography (Earth), InSAR, L-Band, SAR interferometry, SAR Tomography, Tomography, UHF, aperture synthesis, geophysical measurement technique, height ambiguity, land surface, multibaseline imaging geometry, multibaseline method, phase difference, radar remote sensing, tomographic imaging, topography, undersampled spatial distribution, ESAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  87. Robert N. Treuhaft and Paul R. Siqueira. Vertical structure of vegetated land surfaces from interferometric and polarimetric radar. Radio Science, 35:141-178, 2000. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, InSAR, Interferometry, Pol-InSAR, Multi-Baseline SAR, Vegetation Parameters, Parameter Extraction, Topography, SAR Tomography. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  88. S.R. Cloude, J. Fortuny, J.M. Lopez-Sanchez, and A.J. Sieber. Wide-band polarimetric radar inversion studies for vegetation layers. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 37(5):2430-2441, September 1999. Keyword(s): backscatter, forestry, geophysical techniques, image classification, radar cross-sections, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, vegetation mappingbackscatter, canopy, complex volume scattering, entropy-alpha target decomposition scheme, ficus tree, fig, fir tree, forest, geophysical measurement technique, image classification scheme, inversion algorithm, parametric inversion, polarimetric radar inversion, radar scattering, radar theory, random particle cloud model, small anisotropic particles, two-parameter model, vegetation layer, vegetation mapping, wide band method. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  89. D.L. Evans. Applications of imaging radar data in Earth science investigations. Electronics Communication Engineering Journal, 11(5):227 -234, October 1999. Keyword(s): Earth science investigations, Earth's surface, LightSAR mission, SAR interferometric measurements, biodiversity, biomass, fine resolution, forest regrowth, glacier ice velocity measurement, imaging radar data, interferometric data acquisition, land cover, large-scale surface change, long-term observations, natural hazards, polarimetric data acquisition, receive polarisation, resource assessment, scatterer cross-sections, spaceborne SAR systems, surface topographic change monitoring, synthetic aperture radar, topographic data sets, transmit polarisation, vegetation, data acquisition, electromagnetic wave scattering, health hazards, image resolution, radar applications, radar cross-sections, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, radar resolution, radiowave interferometry, remote sensing by radar, spaceborne radar, synthetic aperture radar, topography (Earth);. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  90. Jong-Sen Lee, M.R. Grunes, T.L. Ainsworth, Li-Jen Du, D.L. Schuler, and Shane R. Cloude. Unsupervised classification using polarimetric decomposition and the complex Wishart classifier. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 37(5):2249-2258, September 1999. Keyword(s): geophysical signal processing, geophysical techniques, image classification, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mappingSAR, complex Wishart classifier, complex Wishart distribution, covariance matrix, entropy-alpha plane, geophysical measurement technique, initial classification map, iteration, land surface, man-made object, maximum likelihood classifier, polarimetric decomposition, polarimetric target decomposition, polarization, radar remote sensing, terrain mapping, terrain type, training, unsupervised classification. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  91. R. N. Treuhaft and S. R. Cloude. The structure of oriented vegetation from polarimetric interferometry. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 37(5):2620-2624, September 1999. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Forest, Forest parameters, biomass, forest canopy, forestry, geophysical measurement technique, height, oriented object, oriented vegetation, oriented-vegetation volume, polarimetric interferometry, radar polarimetry, radar remote sensing, randomly oriented volume, single-baseline polarimetric interferometry, underlying topography, vegetated land surface, vegetation mapping, geophysical techniques, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, vegetation mapping. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  92. S.R. Cloude and Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou. Polarimetric SAR interferometry. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 36(5):1551-1565, September 1998. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, PolInSAR, geophysical techniques, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, radar theory, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radarInSAR, coherence optimization problem, elevated forest canopy, general formulation, geophysical measurement technique, interferogram, interferometric SAR, interferometric coherence, land surface, linear combinations, maximization, polarimetric SAR interferometry, polarimetric basis transformation, radar remote sensing, scalar interferometry, stochastic scattering model, strong polarization dependency, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, vector wave interferometry, SAR Tomography. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  93. Stuart R. DeGraaf. SAR imaging via modern 2-D spectral estimation methods. Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on, 7(5):729-761, 1998. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Spectral Estimation, adaptive estimation, adaptive signal processing, estimation theory, image resolution, interference suppression, radar imaging, radar interference, radiowave interferometry, speckle, spectral analysis, synthetic aperture radar, 2-D spectral estimation methods, ASR, MVM, RRMVM, SVA, adaptive SAR imaging, adaptive nulling, adaptive sidelobe reduction, adaptive spectral estimation, averaging, height estimates, interferometric height, minimum variance method, multichannel variants, polarimetric displaced-aperture interferometric data, power spectrum estimation methods, reduced-rank MVM, reflectivity intensity, resolution, scattering intensity, sidelobe artifacts, space variant apodization, synthetic aperture radar imaging, MUSIC. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  94. Anthony Freeman and Stephen L. Durden. A three-component scattering model for polarimetric SAR data. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 36(3):963-973, May 1998. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Polarimetric Decomposition, Freeman-Durden Decomposition, Bragg scatter, backscatter, canopy scatter, composite scattering model, double-bounce scatter, flooding, forest, geophysical measurement technique, inundation, land surface, orthogonal surface, polarimetric SAR, radar polarimetry, radar remote sensing, radar scattering, randomly oriented dipoles, rough surface, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, three-component scattering model, tropical rain forest, vegetation mapping, backscatter, forestry, geophysical techniques, radar cross-sections, radar polarimetry, radar theory, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  95. Shane R. Cloude and Eric Pottier. An entropy based classification scheme for land applications of polarimetric SAR. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 35(1):68-78, January 1997. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Polarimetric Decomposition, Cloude-Pottier Decomposition, Polarimetry, PolSAR, Entropy, Anisotropy, Alpha, H-A-alpha, S-matrix theory, geophysical signal processing, geophysical techniques, image classification, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, radar theory, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, average target scattering matrix parameters, coherency matrix, eigenvalue analysis, entropy based classification, geophysical measurement technique, land surface, land use, parameterization, polarimetric SAR, polarimetric scattering problem, quantitative analysis, radar remote sensing, scattering entropy, terrain mapping, three-level Bernoulli statistical model, unsupervised classifier. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  96. P.S. Chang, James B. Mead, E.J. Knapp, G.A. Sadowy, R.E. Davis, and R.E. McIntosh. Polarimetric backscatter from fresh and metamorphic snowcover at millimeter wavelengths. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 44(1):58-73, January 1996. Keyword(s): Radar, Polarimetry, Polarimetric radar, snow, fresh snow, metamorphic snow, remote sensing, radar, millimeter wavelength, 35GHz, 95GHz, 225GHz. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  97. J. S. Lee, M. R. Grunes, and Ron Kwok. Classification of multi-look polarimetric SAR imagery based on complex Wishart distribution. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 15(11):2299-2311, 1994. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  98. Jong-Sen Lee, K. W. Hoppel, S. A. Mango, and A. R. Miller. Intensity and phase statistics of multilook polarimetric and interferometric SAR imagery. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 32(5):1017-1028, September 1994. Keyword(s): feature extraction, geophysical techniques, geophysics computing, image coding, image recognition, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, complex correlation coefficient, data compression, decorrelation effects, feature classification, feature extraction, geophysical measurement technique, image classification, intensity statistics, interferometric SAR imagery, land surface imaging, multilook phase difference, multilook polarimetry, phase statistics, probability density function, radar remote sensing, scattering matrix, signal processing, speckle reduction, synthetic aperture radar, Covariance matrix, Decorrelation, Density functional theory, NASA, Phase measurement, Radar polarimetry, Radar scattering, Sea measurements, Speckle, Statistics. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  99. Shaun Quegan. A unified algorithm for phase and cross-talk calibration of polarimetric data-theory and observations. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 32(1):89-99, January 1994. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Polarimetry, Polarimetric Calibration, calibration, geophysical techniques, polarimetry, remote sensing, remote sensing by radar, MAESTRO campaign, agriculture, cross-polarized backscattering coefficient, cross-talk calibration, geophysical measurement technique, land surface SAR radar imaging, linear distortion model, minimum least squares, observation, phase, polarimetry, polarisation, scattering matrix, synthetic aperture radar, theory, unified algorithm, Backscatter, Calibration, Covariance matrix, Crosstalk, Data mining, Equations, Layout, Phase distortion, Scattering, System testing. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  100. M. C. Dobson, F. T. Ulaby, T. LeToan, A. Beaudoin, E. S. Kasischke, and N. Christensen. Dependence of radar backscatter on coniferous forest biomass. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 30(2):412-415, March 1992. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Forest, Forest parameters, biomass, C-band, Duke, France, L-band, Landes, North Carolina, P-band, SAR data, United States, age, coniferous forest biomass, maritime pines, plantations, radar backscatter, remote sensing, backscatter, ecology, forestry, remote sensing by radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  101. A. Freeman. SAR calibration: an overview. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 30(6):1107-1121, November 1992. Keyword(s): calibration, polarimetry, radiometry, reviews, synthetic aperture radar, airborne data, Earth surface, synthetic-aperture radar, spaceborne SAR image data, radar backscatter, image quality, radiometric calibration, polarimetric radar calibration, phase calibration, interferometric SAR, Calibration, Spaceborne radar, Synthetic aperture radar, Radar imaging, Radar polarimetry, Radar measurements, Backscatter, Image quality, Radiometry, Equations. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  102. J. J. van Zyl and C. F. Burnette. Bayesian classification of polarimetric SAR images using adaptive a priori probabilities. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 13(5):835-840, 1992. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  103. Michael W. Whitt, Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Paul Polatin, and Valdis V. Liepa. A general polarimetric radar calibration technique. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 39(1):62-67, January 1991. Keyword(s): Polarimetric Calibration, calibration, polarimetry, radar systems, distortion matrices, general polarimetric radar calibration technique, received waves, scattering matrices, single-antenna radar, transmitted waves, Calibration, Distortion measurement, Layout, Phase measurement, Polarization, Radar antennas, Radar imaging, Radar measurements, Radar polarimetry, Radar scattering. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  104. Kamal Sarabandi and Fawwaz T. Ulaby. A convenient technique for polarimetric calibration of single-antenna radar systems. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 28(6):1022-1033, November 1990. Keyword(s): Polarimetric Calibration, calibration, polarimetry, radar antennas, radar systems, X-band radar, channel imbalances, conducting sphere, crosscoupling, crosspolarization channels, crosstalk factors, effective polarization isolation, error, four-port passive network, metal sphere, polarimetric calibration, single-antenna radar systems, technique, trihedral corner reflector, Antenna measurements, Backscatter, Calibration, Crosstalk, Passive networks, Polarization, Radar antennas, Radar polarimetry, Receiving antennas, Transmitting antennas. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  105. Kamal Sarabandi, Fawwaz T. Ulaby, and M. Ali Tassoudji. Calibration of Polarimetric Radar Systems With Good Polarization Isolation. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 28(1):70-75, January 1990. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, polarimetric calibration, polarimetry, calibration, electromagnetic wave polarisation, radar measurement, radar systems, remote sensing, remote sensing, calibration, polarization isolation, single-antenna polarimetric radar systems, metal sphere, cross-polarized radar cross section, radar transfer function, scattering matrix, tilted cylinder, X-band, radar overall cross-polarization isolation, alignment, Calibration, Radar polarimetry, Polarization, Radar scattering, Particle scattering, Radar cross section, Radar antennas, Phase measurement, Radar measurements, Laboratories. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  106. M. W. Whitt and F. T. Ulaby. A polarimetric radar calibration technique with insensitivity to target orientation. Radio Science, 25(6):1137-1143, 1990. Keyword(s): Polarimetric Calibration, Measurement and standards, Electromagnetics: Instrumentation and techniques, Techniques applicable in three or more fields. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  107. Jakob J. van Zyl. Calibration of polarimetric radar images using only image parameters and trihedral corner reflector responses. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 28(3):337-348, May 1990. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Polarimetry, Polarimetric Calibration, calibration, polarimetry, radar measurement, remote sensing, C-band, L-band, Stokes matrix, absolute amplitude, calibration, compressed data, image parameters, natural targets, polarimetric radar images, radar return, receive matrices, relative amplitude, relative phase, remote sensing, scattering matrix, system crosstalk, terrain, transmit matrix, trihedral corner reflector responses, Calibration, Crosstalk, Frequency estimation, Image coding, Parameter estimation, Pixel, Radar imaging, Radar polarimetry, Radar scattering, Transmitters. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  108. M. Borgeaud, R.T. Shin, and J.A. Kong. Theoretical Models For Polarimetric Radar Clutter. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 1(1):73-89, 1987. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles

  1. Kaiyu Liu, Robert Wang, Heng Zhang, Dacheng Liu, Naiming Ou, Yafeng Chen, Haixia Yue, Weidong Yu, Yunkai Deng, Da Liang, Yuanbo Jiao, Jili Wanga, and Wei Yu. LuTan-1: An Innovative L-band Spaceborne SAR Mission. In Proc. of EUSAR 2022 - 14th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, pages 614-618, 2022. VDE. Keyword(s): SAR Mission, LuTan-1, LT-1, L-band, Tandem, formation flying, bistatic, bistatic SAR, spaceborne SAR, synchronization link. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Marcel Stefko, Othmar Frey, and Irena Hajnsek. Snow Characterization at Ku-Band with a Bistatic Polarimetric Ground-Based Radar. In IGARSS 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, pages 4256-4259, July 2022. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  3. Marcel Stefko, Othmar Frey, Charles Werner, and Irena Hajnsek. KAPRI: a Bistatic Full-Polarimetric Interferometric Real-Aperture Radar System for Monitoring of Natural Environments. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 1950-1953, 2021. IEEE. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, WBSCAT, Wide-band Scatterometer, ESA, European Space Agency, Snow, ESA Snowlab, Wideband Scatterometer, WBScat, microwave scatterometer, aperture synthesis, time series, polarimetry, tomography, SAR tomography. [bibtex-entry]

  4. I. Walterscheid, P. Berens, M. Caris, S. Sieger, O. Saalmann, D. Janssen, G. El-Arnauti, A. Ribalta, D. Henke, and E. M. Dominguez. First results of a joint measurement campaign with PAMIR-Ka and MIRANDA-94. In 2020 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf20), pages 1-6, September 2020. Keyword(s): Radar, Radar imaging, Synthetic aperture radar, Radar polarimetry, Aircraft, Bandwidth, Radar antennas, Multi-dimensional radar imaging, Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR, Multi-look SAR, Multi-aspect SAR, Polarimetric SAR, PAMIR-Ka, MIRANDA-94. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  5. S. Wang, W. Feng, K. Kikuta, G. Chernyak, and M. Sato. Ground-Based Bistatic Polarimetric Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar System. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 8558-8561, July 2019. Keyword(s): radar imaging, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, ground-based bistatic polarimetric interferometric synthetic aperture radar system, novel ground-based bistatic polarimetric synthetic aperture radar system, Optical Electric Field Sensor, trihedral corner reflector, polarimetric capability, monostatic SAR images, bistatic polarimetric SAR images, 2D displacement estimation, displaceable corner reflector, Radar polarimetry, Estimation, Two dimensional displays, Synthetic aperture radar, Optical interferometry, Bistatic radar, Adaptive optics, Bistatic radar, radar polarimetry, radar interferometry, two-dimensional displacement, OEFS. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  6. Charles L. Werner, Martin Suess, Othmar Frey, and Andreas Wiesmann. The ESA Wideband Microwave Scatterometer (WBSCAT): Design and Implementation. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 8339-8342, 2019. Keyword(s): ESA Snowlab, SnowScat, Wideband Scatterometer, WBScat, snow, microwave scatterometer, aperture synthesis, time series, polarimetry, tomography, SAR tomography. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  7. Othmar Frey, Charles L. Werner, Rafael Caduff, and Andreas Wiesmann. Tomographic profiling with SnowScat within the ESA SnowLab Campaign: Time Series of Snow Profiles Over Three Snow Seasons. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 6512-6515, 2018. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomographic profiling, SnowScat, ESA, European Space Agency, X-Band, Ku-Band, Polarimetry, ground-based radar, Snow, Snowpack, geophysical signal processing, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  8. X. Xu, C. A. Baldi, J. De Bleser, Y. Lei, S. Yueh, and D. Esteban-Fernandez. Multi-Frequency Tomography Radar Observations of Snow Stratigraphy at Fraser During SnowEx. In IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, pages 6269-6272, July 2018. Keyword(s): CW radar, FM radar, geophysical signal processing, hydrological techniques, radar polarimetry, radar signal processing, remote sensing by radar, snow, signal processing algorithm, snow free image, snow density, ground snow pit measurement, radar design, snow layer, multiple viewing positions, radar echo, tomography technique, radar channel, three-dimensional variability, fully polarimetric frequency-modulated continuous-wave radar, triple-frequency, 2017 NASA SnowEx campaign, Earth's terrestrial snow-covered regions, multiyear airborne snow campaign, Fraser, snow stratigraphy, multifrequency tomography radar observations, frequency 17.2 GHz, size 30.0 cm, frequency 9.6 GHz, frequency 13.5 GHz, Snow, Tomography, Synthetic aperture radar, Radar polarimetry, Spaceborne radar, Radar imaging, tomography, snow, FMCW radar, SWE. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  9. M. Faisal, M. A. H. Chowdhury, M. A. I. Bhuyan, N. H. M. Bhuyan, and A. Matin. Development of a polarimetric interferometric GB-SAR and perform measurement for a fixed target. In Proc. Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE) 2017 Int. Conf. Electrical, pages 285-289, February 2017. Keyword(s): GB-SAR, ground-based SAR, terrestrial SAR, horn antennas, radar antennas, radar interferometry, radar target recognition, synthetic aperture radar, SAR system, antenna positioner, building vehicles, data compression, double ridge guide horn antenna, fixed target, ground vehicles, ground-based synthetic aperture radar system, innovative monitoring technique, perform measurement, polarimetric & interferometric GB-SAR, vector network analyzer, Antenna measurements, Apertures, Frequency-domain analysis, Image reconstruction, Monitoring, Synthetic aperture radar, Time-domain analysis, Global Backprojection (GBP), Ground-Based SAR (GB-SAR), Interferometry, Low loss-high frequency cable, Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). [bibtex-entry]

  10. Othmar Frey, Charles L. Werner, Rafael Caduff, and Andreas Wiesmann. Inversion of Snow Structure Parameters from Time Series of Tomographic Measurements With SnowScat. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 2472-2475, 2017. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomographic profiling, SnowScat, ESA, European Space Agency, X-Band, Ku-Band, Polarimetry, ground-based radar, Snow, Snowpack, geophysical signal processing, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar, SWE, Snow Water Equivalent, Autofocus, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, Backprojection. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  11. Zahra Sadeghi, M. J. Valadan Zoej, A. Hooper, and J. M. Lopez-Sanchez. An Enhanced Polarimetric Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Method to Increase Number and Quality of Selected Pixels. In Proc. FRINGE 2017, Helsinki, Finland, June 2017. [bibtex-entry]

  12. Simone Baffelli, Othmar Frey, Charles L. Werner, and Irena Hajnsek. System Characterization and Polarimetric Calibration of the Ku-Band Advanced Polarimetric Interferometer. In Proc. of EUSAR 2016 - 11th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, pages 735-740, June 2016. Keyword(s): Terrestrial Radar Interferometry, TRI, Ground-based radar, Interferometry, Polarimetry, Calibration, Pol-GPRI. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  13. Othmar Frey, Charles L. Werner, Rafael Caduff, and Andreas Wiesmann. A time series of SAR tomographic profiles of a snowpack. In Proc. of EUSAR 2016, pages 726-730, June 2016. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomographic profiling, SnowScat, ESA, European Space Agency, X-Band, Ku-Band, Polarimetry, ground-based radar, Snow, Snowpack, geophysical signal processing, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  14. Othmar Frey, Charles L. Werner, Rafael Caduff, and Andreas Wiesmann. A time series of tomographic profiles of a snow pack measured with SnowScat at X-/Ku-Band. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., volume 1, pages 17-20, July 2016. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomographic profiling, SnowScat, ESA, European Space Agency, X-Band, Ku-Band, Polarimetry, ground-based radar, Snow, Snowpack, geophysical signal processing, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  15. H. Liao and F. J. Meyer. A combined estimator for Interferometric SAR ionosphere correction. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp. (IGARSS), pages 6499-6501, July 2016. Keyword(s): Faraday effect, ionospheric techniques, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar, Faraday rotation based method, InSAR differential ionosphere, InSAR ionospheric effect correction, azimuth shift based method, interferometric SAR ionosphere correction, interferometric synthetic aperture radar ionosphere correction, ionospheric geometric distortion, multiple aperture interferometric azimuth shift, polarimetric property, split spectrum InSAR technique, Earthquakes, Interferometry, Ionosphere, L-band, Synthetic aperture radar. [bibtex-entry]

  16. A. Moreira, O. Ponce, M. Nannini, M. Pardini, P. Prats, A. Reigber, K. Papathanassiou, and G. Krieger. Multi-baseline spaceborne SAR imaging. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp. (IGARSS), pages 1420-1423, July 2016. Keyword(s): geophysical image processing, holography, radar imaging, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, spaceborne radar, synthetic aperture radar, HoloSAR, PolInSAR, TomoSAR, across-track interferometry, along- track interferometry, glacier movement, ground deformation, holography SAR, multi-baseline imaging capability, multi-dimensional data space, multibaseline spaceborne SAR imaging, multistatic SAR configuration, ocean current, polarimetric SAR interferometry, spaceborne SAR development, spaceborne SAR image product, sparse array, surface topography measurement, tomography SAR, Interferometry, Radar imaging, Radar polarimetry, Spaceborne radar, Synthetic aperture radar, Tomography, Multi-Baseline Imaging, Polarimetric SAR Interferometry, Polarimetry, SAR Holography, SAR Tomography, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). [bibtex-entry]

  17. M. Pieraccini. Polarimetrie RotoSAR. In Proc. IEEE Radar Conf. (RadarConf), pages 1-5, May 2016. Keyword(s): GB-SAR, ground-based SAR, terrestrial SAR, radar antennas, radar imaging, radar interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, ground based inteferometric synthetic aperture radar systems, linear mechanical guide, polarimetric RotoSAR, radar head, radar images, remote sensing instruments, rotating antenna GB-SAR, Monitoring, Radar antennas, Radar imaging, Radar polarimetry, Radar remote sensing, Synthetic aperture radar, SAR, radar. [bibtex-entry]

  18. O. Ponce, H. Joerg, R. Scheiber, P. Prats, I. Hajnsek, and A. Reigber. First study on holographic SAR tomography over agricultural crops at C-/X-band. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp. (IGARSS), pages 7403-7406, July 2016. Keyword(s): crops, geophysical image processing, image reconstruction, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, 2D polarimetric image, 3D crop field backscattering, 3D forest backscattering distribution, 3D imaging reconstruction, 3D polarimetric image, C-band SAR, DLR F-SAR sensor, Germany, HoloSAR campaign, HoloSAR imaging mode, HoloSAR tomography, Wallerfing, X-band SAR, agricultural crop, azimuthal aspect angle, holographic SAR, scattering mechanisms, tomographic constellation, Tomography, Agricultural crops, Fast Factorized Back-Projection (FFBP), Holographic SAR Tomography (HoloSAR), Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR). [bibtex-entry]

  19. O. Ponce, R. Scheiber, P. Prats, I. Hajnsek, and A. Reigber. Multi-dimensional airborne holographic SAR tomography reconstruction for glaciers at L-/P-band. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp. (IGARSS), pages 9-12, July 2016. Keyword(s): geophysical image processing, glaciology, hydrological techniques, image reconstruction, remote sensing by radar, solid modelling, synthetic aperture radar, 2-D image arc-pattern, 2-D image circular pattern, 3-D imaging reconstructions, Greenland, HoIoSAR campaign, HoloSAR mode, K-Transect, circular synthetic aperture, cryosphere, fast factorized back-projection, fully polarimetric data, glacier structures, glacier vertical profile, ice sheet vertical profile, ice structures, multidimensional airborne holographic SAR tomography reconstruction, vertical synthetic aperture, Apertures, Ice, Image resolution, L-band, Synthetic aperture radar, Tomography, Cryosphere, Fast Factorized Back-Projection (FFBP), Glaciers, Holographic SAR Tomography (HoloSAR), Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR). [bibtex-entry]

  20. W. M. Boerner, G. Krieger, A. Reigber, I. Hajnsek, C. C. Schmullius, A. Moreira, M. Eineder, R. Bamler, F. J. Meyer, S. Hensley, J. J. van Zyl, M. Neumann, M. Shimada, M. Ohki, J. T. S. Sumantyo, K. Hattori, F. J. Ocampo-Torres, O. Ponce, J. Moreira, J. Campos, L. Yi-Long, P. Dubois-Fernandez, E. Pottier, T. LeToan, C. Surussavadee, V. C. Koo, T. S. Lim, R. H. Triharjanto, W. Hasbi, S. Mohan, and G. Singh. Development of new multi-band equatorially orbiting POLinSAR satellite sensors system configurations for varying latitudinal coverage within total tropical belt: Invited group presentation for establishing an associated Consortium. In Proc. IEEE 5th Asia-Pacific Conf. Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR), pages 342-345, September 2015. Keyword(s): meteorological radar, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, energy resources, global weather phenomena, latitudinal coverage, local environmental deterioration, mineral extraction, multiband equatorially orbiting POLINSAR satellite sensors, polarimetric POLINSAR satellite, stable food base, total tropical belt, Belts, Hazards, Orbits, Remote sensing, Satellites, Sensors, Synthetic aperture radar, Disaster assessment and reduction, Environmental remote sensing, Equatorial orbiting satellite sensors, Geophysical monitoring, Natural and manmade hazard detection, Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Polarization radar, Surveillance, Tropical Equatorial Belt (TEB). [bibtex-entry]

  21. Othmar Frey, Charles L. Werner, Martin Schneebeli, Amy Macfarlane, and Andreas Wiesmann. Enhancement of SnowScat for tomographic observation capabilities. In Proc. FRINGE 2015, ESA SP-731, March 2015. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Snow, Snowpack, X-band, Ku-band, SnowScat, ESA, European Space Agency. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  22. Othmar Frey, Charles L. Werner, and Andreas Wiesmann. SnowScat tomography: first experimental results. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., volume 1, pages 1-4, July 2015. Note: Abstract.Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomographic profiling, SnowScat, ESA, European Space Agency, X-Band, Ku-Band, Polarimetry, ground-based radar, Snow, Snowpack, geophysical signal processing, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  23. Othmar Frey, Charles L. Werner, and Andreas Wiesmann. Tomographic Profiling of the Structure of a Snow Pack at X-/Ku-Band Using SnowScat in SAR Mode. In Proc. EuRAD 2015 - 12th European Radar Conference, pages 21-24, September 2015. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomographic profiling, SnowScat, ESA, European Space Agency, X-Band, Ku-Band, Polarimetry, ground-based radar, Snow, Snowpack, geophysical signal processing, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  24. Marc Jäger, Muriel Pinheiro, Octavio Ponce, Andreas Reigber, and Rolf Scheiber. A Survey of novel airborne SAR signal processing techniques and applications for DLR's F-SAR sensor. In Proc. 16th Int. Radar Symp. (IRS), pages 236-241, June 2015. Keyword(s): airborne radar, image filtering, radar detection, radar imaging, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, radar resolution, synthetic aperture radar, DLR F-SAR sensor, SAR imaging capability, advanced filtering, airborne SAR signal processing technique, dual-frequency SAR interferometry, high resolution circular SAR imaging, large baseline, polarimetric change detection, precise DEM generation, Covariance matrices, Image resolution, Imaging, Interferometry, Radar polarimetry, Speckle, Synthetic aperture radar. [bibtex-entry]

  25. A. Moreira, O. Ponce, M. Nannini, M. Pardini, and P. Prats. Multi-baseline imaging: A vision for spaceborne SAR. In Proc. 16th Int. Radar Symp. (IRS), pages 20-29, June 2015. Keyword(s): radar interferometry, remote sensing by radar, spaceborne radar, synthetic aperture radar, topography (Earth), across-track interferometry, along-track interferometry, glacier movement, ground deformation measurement, holography SAR, image product, multibaseline imaging, multidimensional data space, multistatic SAR configuration, ocean current measurement, polarimetric SAR interferometry, spaceborne SAR system development, sparse array, surface topography measurement, tomography SAR, Imaging, Interferometry, Radar imaging, Radar polarimetry, Spaceborne radar, Synthetic aperture radar. [bibtex-entry]

  26. O. Ponce, P. Prats, R. Scheiber, A. Reigber, I. Hajnsek, and A. Moreira. Polarimetric 3-D imaging with airborne holographic SAR tomography over glaciers. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp. (IGARSS), pages 5280-5283, July 2015. Keyword(s): airborne radar, glaciology, hydrological techniques, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar, DLR F-SAR sensor, Findel glacier, HoloSAR campaign, L-band, Monte Rosa, Switzerland, airborne holographic SAR tomography mode, arc-pattern, bedrock vertical profile, biosphere, circular pattern, circular synthetic aperture, cryosphere, glacier backscattering, ice sheet vertical profile, polarimetric 3-D imaging reconstruction, polarimetric analysis, single circular flight, snow vertical profile, vertical synthetic aperture, Apertures, Ice, Image resolution, Radar imaging, Synthetic aperture radar, Tomography, Compressive Sensing (CS), Cryosphere, Fast Factorized Back-Projection (FFBP), Holographic SAR Tomography (HoloSAR), Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR). [bibtex-entry]

  27. Alex Coccia, Stefano Tebaldini, and Adriano Meta. Preliminary results from most recent SAR airborne campaigns by MetaSensing. In Proc. SPIE, volume 9245, pages 92450L-92450L-7, 2014. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  28. O. Ponce, P. Prats, R. Scheiber, A. Reigber, and A. Moreira. Analysis and optimization of multi-circular SAR for fully polarimetric holographic tomography over forested areas. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp. - IGARSS, pages 2365-2368, July 2013. Keyword(s): geophysical image processing, holography, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar, vegetation, 3D resolution, DLR F-SAR sensor, GLRT algorithm, Germany, IRF, Kauf-beuren, L-band, acquisition geometry, anisotropic analysis, forested areas, fully polarimetric holographic tomography, generalized likelihood ratio test, holographic SAR tomograms, impulse response function, incoherent imaging, multicircular SAR analysis, multicircular SAR optimization, polarimetric MCSAR campaign, scatterers, sidelobe suppression, system bandwidth, Apertures, Bandwidth, Geometry, Image resolution, Imaging, Synthetic aperture radar, Anisotropy, compressive sensing (CS), fast factorized back-projection (FFBP), holographic tomography, multi-circular synthetic aperture radar (MCSAR), polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR). [bibtex-entry]

  29. O. Ponce, P. Prats, R. Scheiber, A. Reigber, and A. Moreira. First demonstration of 3-D holographic tomography with fully polarimetric multi-circular SAR at L-band. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp. - IGARSS, pages 1127-1130, July 2013. Keyword(s): airborne radar, array signal processing, compressed sensing, geophysical image processing, holography, optical focusing, optical tomography, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, radar resolution, synthetic aperture radar, transient response, 3D holographic tomography, 3D polarimetric holographic tomogram, 3D sidelobe reduction, BF, CS, DLR F-SAR airborne system, Earth analysis, IRF, Kaufbeuren Germany, L-band, MCSAR, beamforming, coherent 3D radar backscattering, compressive sensing, dry soil, forested area, fully polarimetric multicircular SAR, ice, impulse response function, multiangular measurement acquisition, temporal decorrelation, volume scatterer, Apertures, Bandwidth, Image resolution, Imaging, Synthetic aperture radar, Vegetation, Circular synthetic aperture radar (CSAR), compressive sensing (CS), fast factorized back-projection (FFBP), holographic tomography, polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR). [bibtex-entry]

  30. Othmar Frey, Erich Meier, and Irena Hajnsek. Towards a more reliable estimation of forest parameters from polarimetric SAR tomography data. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 3110-3113, 2012. Keyword(s): Airborne radar, Array signal processing, Capon, Capon beamformer, L-band, P-band, SAR processing, SAR tomography, beamforming, Focusing, forestry, interferometry, InSAR, multibaseline, multiple signal classification, MUSIC, polarimetry, Remote Sensing, synthetic aperture radar, SAR, scattering, three-dimensional imaging, 3-D imaging, time-domain back-projection, TDBP, tomography, Vegetation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  31. D. Monells, R. Iglesias, Jordi J. Mallorqui, X. Fabregas, and C. Lopez-Martinez. Phase quality optimization in Orbital Differential SAR Interferometry with fully polarimetric data. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 1864-1867, 2012. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, PSI, Persistent Scatterer Interferometry, Spaceborne SAR, InSAR, DInSAR, Polarimetry, geophysical image processing, geophysical techniques, optimisation, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar, Barcelona, DInSAR processing, Fine Quad-Pol Radarsat-2 acquisitions, Radarsat-2, Spain, TerraSAR-X, analytical techniques, fully polarimetric data, interferometric technique, orbital Differential SAR Interferometry, phase quality optimization, polarimetric technique, single polarization SAR, terrain deformation phenomena, Coherence, Correlation, Histograms, Interferometry, Optimization, Synthetic aperture radar, Vectors, Coherence optimization, Pol-DInSAR, Terrain deformation, multi-baseline. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  32. O. Ponce, P. Prats, R. Scheiber, A. Reigber, and A. Moreira. Polarimetric 3-D reconstruction from multicircular SAR at P-band. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp, pages 3130-3133, July 2012. Keyword(s): array signal processing, calibration, image reconstruction, image resolution, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, singular value decomposition, synthetic aperture radar, 3D imaging, CSAR mode, DLR F-SAR system, SVD, backscattering profile, beamforming, compressive sensing, cone-shaped sidelobes, fast factorized back projection, holographic SAR tomogram, multicircular fully polarimetric SAR experiment, phase calibration method, polarimetric 3D reconstruction, polarimetric three-dimensional reconstruction, subwavelength resolution, Array signal processing, Calibration, Focusing, Image reconstruction, Image resolution, Synthetic aperture radar, Tomography, Circular SAR, PolSAR, holographic tomography, multicircular SAR. [bibtex-entry]

  33. Esteban Aguilera, Matteo Nannini, and Andreas Reigber. Multi-signal compressed sensing for polarimetric SAR tomography. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 1369-1372, July 2011. Keyword(s): Airborne SAR, SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, Compressive Sensing, CS, Distributed Compressive Sensing, DCS methodology, E-SAR sensor, SAR image, azimuth-range pixel, distributed compressed sensing, elevation direction, fully polarimetric L-band data, multiplicative speckle noise, multisignal compressed sensing, pass acquisition geometry, polarimetric SAR tomography, polarimetric channel, space-borne radar platform, synthetic aperture radar, three dimensional imaging, tomographic focusing approach, tomographic signal, vertical reflectivity function, image reconstruction, image resolution, image sensors, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, radar resolution, spaceborne radar, speckle, synthetic aperture radar, tomography;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  34. Othmar Frey and Erich Meier. Characterizing the Backscattering Properties of a Forest by Polarimetric SAR Tomography at L- and P-Bands. In Proc. PolInSAR, 5th Int. Workshop on Science and Applications of SAR Polarimetry and Polarimetric Interferometry, ESA SP-695, Frascati, Italy, January 2011. [bibtex-entry]

  35. Othmar Frey, Erich Meier, and Irena Hajnsek. On the sensitivity of measured backscattering properties to variations of incidence angle and baselines in tomographic SAR data. In Proc. Int. Asia-Pacific Conf. on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR), pages 1-4, September 2011. Keyword(s): Airborne radar, Array signal processing, Capon, Capon beamformer, L-band, P-band, SAR processing, SAR tomography, beamforming, Focusing, forestry, interferometry, InSAR, multibaseline, multiple signal classification, MUSIC, polarimetry, Remote Sensing, sensitivity analysis, synthetic aperture radar, SAR, three-dimensional imaging, 3-D imaging, time-domain back-projection, TDBP, tomography, Vegetation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  36. Othmar Frey and Erich Meier. 3D SAR Imaging of a Forest Using Airborne MB-SAR Data at L- and P-Band: Data Processing and Analysis. In Proc. EUSAR 2010 - 8th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, pages 166-169, 2010. Keyword(s): Airborne radar, Array signal processing, Capon, Capon beamformer, L-band, P-band, SAR processing, SAR tomography, beamforming, Focusing, forestry, interferometry, InSAR, multibaseline, multiple signal classification, MUSIC, polarimetry, Remote Sensing, synthetic aperture radar, SAR, three-dimensional imaging, 3-D imaging, time-domain back-projection, TDBP, tomography, Vegetation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  37. Othmar Frey and Erich Meier. Analyzing Tomographic SAR Data of a Forest With Respect to Frequency, Polarization, and Focusing Techniques. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 150-153, July 2010. Note: Invited Paper. Keyword(s): Airborne radar, Array signal processing, Capon, Capon beamformer, L-band, P-band, SAR processing, SAR tomography, beamforming, Focusing, forestry, interferometry, InSAR, multibaseline, multiple signal classification, MUSIC, polarimetry, Remote Sensing, synthetic aperture radar, SAR, three-dimensional imaging, 3-D imaging, time-domain back-projection, TDBP, tomography, Vegetation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  38. Yue Huang, Laurent Ferro-Famil, and Andreas Reigber. Under foliage object imaging using SAR tomography and polarimetric spectral estimators. In Proc. EUSAR, pages 1-4, June 2010. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Forestry, FOPEN, Tomography. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  39. Paul A. Rosen, Scott Hensley, and Curtis Chen. Measurement and mitigation of the ionosphere in L-band Interferometric SAR data. In 2010 IEEE Radar Conference, pages 1459-1463, May 2010. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, cartography, image registration, ionosphere, ionospheric measuring apparatus, radar imaging, radar interferometry, synthetic aperture radar, ALOS PALSAR data, L-band InSAR data, PALSAR spectral band, bandwidth 28 MHz, deformation maps, differential TEC estimation, dispersive medium, earth changing surface, image registration, ionosphere measurement, ionosphere mitigation, multifrequency split-spectrum processing technique, nondispersive effects, pixel-by-pixel observation, radar waveform, relative phase change measurement, satellite-based repeat-pass interferometric synthetic aperture radar, split spectrum technique, subtle deformation signatures, synoptic high spatial resolution, Atmosphere, Atmospheric measurements, Delay effects, Dispersion, Earth, Ionosphere, L-band, Phase measurement, Spatial resolution, Synthetic aperture radar interferometry. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  40. Charles L. Werner, Andreas Wiesmann, Tazio Strozzi, Martin Schneebeli, and Christian Matzler. The SnowScat ground-based polarimetric scatterometer: Calibration and initial measurements from Davos Switzerland. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 2363-2366, July 2010. Keyword(s): SnowScat, KuScat, calibration, geophysical equipment, radar polarimetry, snow, COld REgions Hydrology High-resolution Observatory Mission, Davos Switzerland, Ku-Band, SNOWSCAT ground-based polarimetric scatterometer, SnowScat, VH polarization, VV polarization, X-Band, calibration, dry snow, dual frequency radar, ground-based coherent polarimetric scatterometer, snow water equivalent retrieval algorithms, Antenna measurements, Antennas, Calibration, Frequency measurement, Instruments, Radar measurements, Snow. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  41. G. Krieger, I. Hajnsek, Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou, M. Eineder, M. Younis, F. De Zan, P. Prats, S. Huber, M. Werner, H. Fiedler, A. Freeman, P. Rosen, S. Hensley, W. Johnson, L. Veilleux, B. Grafmueller, R. Werninghaus, R. Bamler, and A. Moreira. The Tandem-L mission proposal: Monitoring Earth's dynamics with high resolution SAR interferometry. In Proc. IEEE Radar Conf., pages 1-6, May 2009. Keyword(s): Earth's Dynamics Monitoring, Tandem-L mission, advanced digital beamforming techniques, biomass inventories, glacier movement observations, global forest height, high data acquisition, high resolution SAR interferometry, innovative interferometric radar mission, millimetric displacements measurements, polarimetric radar mission, synthetic aperture radar, tectonic shifts, data acquisition, glaciology, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, tectonics, vegetation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  42. Alberto Moreira, Gerhard Krieger, Irena Hajnsek, Kostas Papathanassiou, Michael Eineder, Francesco De Zan, Marwan Younis, and Marian Werner. Tandem-L: Monitoring the Earth's Dynamics with InSAR and Pol-InSAR. In Proc. PolInSAR, Frascati, Italy (ESA SP-668), January 2009. Keyword(s): Earth's Dynamics Monitoring, Tandem-L mission, advanced digital beamforming techniques, biomass inventories, glacier movement observations, global forest height, high data acquisition, high resolution SAR interferometry, innovative interferometric radar mission, millimetric displacements measurements, polarimetric radar mission, synthetic aperture radar, tectonic shifts, data acquisition, glaciology, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, tectonics, vegetation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  43. L. Pipia, X. Fabregas, A. Aguasca, C. López-Martìnez, and J. J. Mallorquì. Polarimetric coherence optimization for interferometric differential applications. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp, volume 5, pages 146-149, July 2009. Keyword(s): GB-SAR, ground-based SAR, terrestrial SAR, data acquisition, optimisation, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, DInSAR, X-band ground-based PolSAR acquisitions, deformation phase information, differential interferometric SAR, interferometric differential applications, optimized differential phase, polarimetric coherence optimization, polarimetric coherence-optimization techniques, synthetic PolSAR data, urban environment, zero-baseline fully-polarimetric data sets, Amplitude estimation, Analytical models, Convergence, Deformable models, Information retrieval, Interferometry, Optimization methods, Remote sensing, Scattering, Synthetic aperture radar, PolInSAR. [bibtex-entry]

  44. R.K. Raney. DESDynI adopts hybrid polarity SAR architecture. In Radar Conference, 2009 IEEE, pages 1-4, May 2009. Keyword(s): DESDynI mission, L-band synthetic aperture radar, The National Research Council's Earth Science 2007 Decadal Survey, circular polarization, forest biomass, hybrid-polarity dual-polarised SAR, quadrature-polarimetric SAR mode, terrain surface deformation, polarisation, synthetic aperture radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  45. Stefano Tebaldini and Fabio Rocca. On the impact of propagation disturbances on SAR Tomography: Analysis and compensation. In IEEE Radar Conference, pages 1-6, May 2009. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, PSI, Persistent Scatterer Interferometry, Differential SAR Interferometry. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  46. Stefano Tebaldini and Fabio Rocca. Polarimetric Options for SAR Tomography of Forested Areas. In Proc. of PolInSAR - 4th Int. Workshop on Science and Applications of SAR Polarimetry and Polarimetric Interferometry, Frascati, Italy, January 2009. ESA SP-668. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, E-SAR, P-Band. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  47. Honglei Chen and D. Kasilingam. Performance Analysis of Multivariate Super-resolution Processing of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Tomography. In Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2008. IGARSS 2008. IEEE International, volume 4, pages 169-172, July 2008. [bibtex-entry]

  48. H. Essen, T. Brehm, M. Haegelen, and H. Schimpf. Remote Sensing at Millimetre Waves with the MEMPHIS Synthetic Aperture Radar. In Proc. European Conf. Synthetic Aperture Radar, pages 1-4, June 2008. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, W-Band, SUMATRA, Airborne SAR, UAV, Fraunhofer, Acceleration, Image resolution, Radar imaging, Remote sensing, Synthetic aperture radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  49. P.A. Rosen, S. Hensley, and C. Le. Observations and mitigation of RFI in ALOS PALSAR SAR data: Implications for the DESDynI mission. In IEEE Radar Conference, pages 1-6, May 2008. Keyword(s): DESDynI mission, L-band polarimetric radar, RFI, SAR data, radio frequency interference, synthetic aperture radar, radiofrequency interference, synthetic aperture radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  50. Stefano Tebaldini. Forest SAR tomography: A covariance matching approach. In IEEE Radar Conference, 2008. RADAR '08., pages 1-6, May 2008. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, E-SAR, P-Band, radar imaging, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, radar resolution, synthetic aperture radar, tomography, P-band SAR images, covariance matching approach, forest SAR tomography, multipolarimetric channel data, single polarimetric channel data, single target interferometric analysis, synthetic aperture radar interferometry, system resolution cell. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  51. Stefano Tebaldini, Fabio Rocca, and A Monti-Guarnieri. Model Based SAR Tomography of Forested Areas. In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, volume 2, pages 593-596, July 2008. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, E-SAR, P-Band. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  52. Hubert M. J. Cantalloube, Élise Colin-Koeniguer, and Hélène Oriot. High resolution SAR imaging along circular trajectories. In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2007, pages 850-853, July 2007. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Autofocus, Phase Gradient Autofocus, PGA, Autofocus by Deterministic Trajectory Triangulation Technique, data acquisition, Motion Compensation, MoComp, Residual Motion Errors, radar antennas, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, L-band radar, P-band radar, Sweden, X-band sensor, Airborne SAR, aircraft attitude fluctuation, circular trajectories, Non-Linear Flight Track, high resolution SAR imaging, joint FOI-ONERA campaign, narrower antenna pattern, polarimetric full circle radar acquisition, steerable antenna. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  53. H. Essen, H. H. Fuchs, and A. Pagels. High resolution millimeterwave SAR for the remote sensing of wave patterns. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 963-966, July 2007. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, W-Band, airborne radar, clutter, ocean waves, oceanographic equipment, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, sea level, statistical analysis, synthetic aperture radar, Ka-band clutter statistics, MEMPHIS, Multi-frequency Experimental Monopulse High-resolution Interferometric SAR, W-band clutter statistics, frequency 35 GHz, frequency 94 GHz, high resolution millimeterwave SAR, high resolution ocean swell imaging, nonimaging statistical methods, polarimetric millimetric SAR, south Spanish Atlantic coast, synthetic aperture radar, wave pattern remote sensing, Bandwidth, Chirp, Frequency, High-resolution imaging, Polarization, Radar imaging, Remote sensing, Sea measurements, Sea surface, Synthetic aperture radar, K-distribution wave pattern, Millimetre waves, SAR, polarimetry, resolution. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  54. Keith Morrison, Helmut Rott, Thomas Nagler, Helge Rebhan, and Patrick Wursteisen. The SARALPS-2007 measurement campaign on X- and Ku-Band Backscatter of snow. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 1207-1210, July 2007. Keyword(s): snow, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, snow, synthetic aperture radar, AD 2006 to 2007, Austrian Alps, InSAR mode, Innsbruck, SARALPS-2007 measurement campaign, active microwave sensors, polarimetric backscatter, snow parameters, snow water equivalent, spaceborne scatterometry, Backscatter, Frequency, Hydrologic measurements, Hydrology, Microwave sensors, Radar measurements, Snow, Spaceborne radar, Synthetic aperture radar, System testing, Synthetic aperture radar, ice, snow. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  55. L. Pipia, X. Fabregas, A. Aguasca, C. Lopez-Martinez, J. J. Mallorqui, and O. Moraline. Polarimetric temporal information for urban deformation map retrieval. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp, pages 192-195, July 2007. Keyword(s): GB-SAR, ground-based SAR, terrestrial SAR, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar, town and country planning, PolSAR, Salient village, UPC RSLab, X-Band ground- based SAR sensor, differential interferometric applications, full scattering matrix, polarimetric persistent scatterers, polarimetric temporal information, urban deformation map retrieval, Fasteners, Geometry, Information retrieval, Interferometry, Laboratories, Polarization, Remote monitoring, Remote sensing, Scattering, Sensor phenomena and characterization. [bibtex-entry]

  56. Cao Fang, Hong Wen, and Wu Yirong. An improved Cloude-Pottier decomposition using H/alpha/SPAN and complex Wishart classifier for polarimetric SAR classification. In International Conference on Radar, 2006. CIE '06., pages 1-4, October 2006. Keyword(s): image classification, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radarCloude-Pottier decomposition, H/alpha/SPAN, IHSL transform, Wishart classifier, polarimetric SAR classification, synthetic aperture radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  57. Stéphane Guillaso and Andreas Reigber. Polarimetric SAR Tomography (POLTOMSAR). In Proceedings of POLINSAR'05, Frascati, Italy, 2005. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, MUSIC, Beamforming, Capon, Modified MUSIC, DoA, Direction of Arrival, Fourier, Pol-InSAR, L-Band, ESAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  58. S. Guillaso and A. Reigber. Scatterer characterisation using polarimetric SAR tomography. In Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2005. IGARSS '05. Proceedings. 2005 IEEE International, volume 4, pages 2685-2688, July 2005. [bibtex-entry]

  59. S. Guillaso, A. Reigber, and L. Ferro-Famil. Evaluation of the ESPRIT approach in polarimetric interferometric SAR. In Proc. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., volume 1, pages 1-4, 2005. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, airborne radar, data acquisition, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, radiowave interferometry, remote sensing by radar, stereo image processing, synthetic aperture radar, tomography, vegetation mapping, 3D images, ESPRIT approach, German Aerospace Center, SAR tomography, airborne L-band repeat-pass interferometric data, experimental airborne SAR, polarimetric interferometric SAR, tomographic image, vegetation, volumetric area, E-SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  60. T. Hamasaki, L. Ferro-Famil, E. Pottier, and M. Sato. Applications of polarimetric interferometric ground-based SAR (GB-SAR) system to environment monitoring and disaster prevention. In Proc. EURAD 2005. European Radar Conf, pages 29-32, October 2005. Keyword(s): GB-SAR, ground-based SAR, terrestrial SAR, disasters, environmental management, monitoring, radar polarimetry, radiowave interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, coniferous tree, differential interferometry, disaster prevention, environment monitoring, natural phenomena, polarimetric interferometric ground-based SAR, resources management, scattering mechanisms, Aperture antennas, Frequency, Information analysis, Interferometry, Optical scattering, Radar detection, Radar scattering, Remote monitoring, Spaceborne radar, Synthetic aperture radar. [bibtex-entry]

  61. L. Pipia, A. Aguasca, X. Fabregas, J. J. Mallorqui, and C. Lopez-Martinez. Temporal decorrelation in polarimetric differential interferometry using a ground-based SAR sensor. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp. IGARSS '05, volume 6, pages 4108-4111, July 2005. Keyword(s): GB-SAR, ground-based SAR, terrestrial SAR, Azimuth, Decorrelation, Temporal Decorrelation, Interferometry, Monitoring, Polarization, Satellites, Semiconductor device measurement, Testing, Urban areas, Vegetation. [bibtex-entry]

  62. Andreas Reigber, Maxim Neumann, Stephane Guillaso, Stefan Sauer, and Laurent Ferro-Famil. Evaluating PolInSAR parameter estimation using tomographic imaging results. In Proc. European Radar Conf., pages 189-192, 2005. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, forestry, matrix algebra, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, radiowave interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, tomography, vegetation mapping, PolInSAR parameter estimation, canopy, forest height, ground topography estimation, polarimetric SAR interferometry, tomographic imaging results. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  63. A. Aguasca, A. Broquetas, J. J. Mallorqui, and X. Fabregas. A solid state L to X-band flexible ground-based SAR system for continuous monitoring applications. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., volume 2, pages 757-760, September 2004. Keyword(s): GB-SAR, ground-based SAR, terrestrial SAR, airborne radar, interferometry, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, 100 MHz, L-X band ground-based SAR system, Synthetic Aperture Radar, airborne/satellite SAR systems, continuous terrain change monitoring, differential interferometry, optional polarimetric capability, ruggedized structure, Bandwidth, Buildings, Chirp, Frequency synthesizers, Interferometry, Monitoring, Solid state circuits, Spaceborne radar, Synthetic aperture radar, Transmitters. [bibtex-entry]

  64. Knut Eldhuset. Raw signal simulation for very high resolution SAR based on polarimetric scattering theory. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., September 2004. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Simulation, SAR Simulator, Raw Data Simulator, Polarimetric Scattering Theory. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  65. Hiroshi Kimura, Toshiyuki Mizuno, Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou, and Irena Hajnsek. Improvement of polarimetric SAR calibration based on the Quegan algorithm. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., volume 1, pages 187, September 2004. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Polarimetry, Polarimetric Calibration, airborne radar, crosstalk, geophysical signal processing, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar, CR response analysis, JAXA/NICT airborne Pi-SAR, L-band polarimetric SAR data, Quegan algorithm, cross-polarized channel, like/cross-polarized observed echo, natural/artificial target, noise imbalance, polarimetric SAR calibration, polarimetric classification, polarimetric cross-talk calibration algorithm, Calibration, Chromium, Crosstalk, L-band, Parameter estimation, Radar polarimetry, Radar scattering, Spaceborne radar, Stability analysis, Synthetic aperture radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  66. M. Limbach, B. Gabler, and Ralf Horn. Fine Resolution, fully Polarimetric P-band subsystem for E-SAR -- Technique and Results. In Proc. of EUSAR 2004 - 5th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, pages 275-278, 2004. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, ESAR, P-Band, Airborne SAR, Polarimetry, Polarimetric P-Band. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  67. W. - M. Boerner. Recent Advances in Extra-Wide-Band Polarimetry, Interferometry and Polarimetric Interferometry in Synthetic Aperture Remote Sensing and its Applications. In IEE Proceedings - Radar, Sonar and Navigation, volume 150, pages 113-124, June 2003. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Interferometry, Pol-InSAR, RFI Suppression, Extra-WideBand SAR, WideBand SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  68. Shane R. Cloude and Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou. Three-stage inversion process for polarimetric SAR interferometry. In , volume 150, pages 125-134, June 2003. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, decorrelation, electromagnetic wave scattering, inverse problems, parameter estimation, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar geometrical approach, ground topography, interferograms, inversion accuracy, mean extinction estimation, model structure, multiple polarisation channels, parameter estimates, polarimetric SAR interferometry, random canopy, simulated vector coherent SAR data, single frequency sensor, temporal decorrelation, three-stage inversion process, two-layer coherent scattering model, vegetation height, vertical tree structure. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  69. J.S. Lee, D.L. Schuler, T.L. Ainsworth, and W.-M. Boerner. Polarization orientation estimation and applications: a review. In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2003. IGARSS '03., volume 1, pages 428-430, July 2003. Keyword(s): SAR Processsing, calibration, covariance matrices, data acquisition, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, spaceborne radar, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping DEM generation, AIRSAR, L-band, polarimetric SAR images, P-band, SIR-C, circular polarization covariance matrix, estimation algorithms, ocean surface feature characterization, polarimetric SAR data compensation, polarimetric calibration, polarization orientation angle shifts, polarization orientation estimation, radar frequency, scattering media, terrain slopes, Airborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  70. Gordon C. Staples and Joost van der Sanden. RADARSAT-2 Polarimetry Applications. In Anais XI SBSR, Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto 2003, INPE, Belo Horizonte, Brasil, volume 1, pages 2383-2389, 2003. Keyword(s): Radarsat-2, Polarimetry, Applications. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  71. Irena Hajnsek, Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou, Alberto Moreira, and Shane R. Cloude. Surface parameter estimation using interferometric and polarimetric SAR. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp, volume 1, pages 420-422 vol.1, 2002. Keyword(s): backscatter, geophysical techniques, hydrological techniques, radar cross-sections, radar polarimetry, radar theory, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, geophysical measurement technique, hydrology, interferometric SAR, interferometric coherence, land surface, moisture, polarimetric SAR, radar remote sensing, radar scattering, soil moisture, surface parameter estimation, surface roughness, surface scattering model, Anisotropic magnetoresistance, Coherence, Decorrelation, Parameter estimation, Polarization, Reflectivity, Rough surfaces, Scattering, Surface roughness, Surface topography. [bibtex-entry]

  72. H. Schimpf, H. Essen, S. Boehmsdorff, and T. Brehm. MEMPHIS-a fully polarimetric experimental radar. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., volume 3, pages 1714-1716, June 2002. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, W-Band, MEMPHIS, Airborne SAR, UAV, Fraunhofer, calibration, geophysical equipment, geophysical techniques, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, 5 to 36 GHz, 75 to 110 GHz, EHF, InSAR, Ka-band, MEMPHIS, SHF, W-band, X-band, across-track interferometry, calibration, forward squinted Doppler beam sharpening mode, geophysical measurement technique, land surface, polarimetric SAR, radar polarimetry, radar remote sensing, side-looking mode, synthetic aperture radar, technical description, terrain mapping, Calibration, Chirp, Frequency, Polarization, Radar antennas, Radar polarimetry, Receiving antennas, Satellite broadcasting, Synthetic aperture radar, Transmitting antennas. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  73. Yunjin Kim and Jakob van Zyl. Overview of Polarimetric Interferometry. In Aerospace Conference Proceedings, 2000 IEEE, volume 3, pages 231-236, 2000. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, radar polarimetry, radiowave interferometry, synthetic aperture radar, SAR interferometry, InSAR, SAR polarimetric interferometry, SAR polarimetry, Pol-InSAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  74. A. Potsis, A. Reigber, and K.P. Papathanassiou. A phase preserving method for RF interference suppression in P-band. In Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 1999. IGARSS '99 Proceedings. IEEE 1999 International, volume 5, pages 2655-2657, 1999. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, interference suppression, radar interference, radar theory, radiowave interferometry, synthetic aperture radar, ESAR, P-Band, Airborne SAR, P-band synthetic aperture radar interferometric data, RFI Suppression, Solothurn, Switzerland, interferometric SAR data applications, least mean square method, phase preserving method, phase preserving notch filter, polarimetric interferometric SAR data. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  75. Stefan Buckreuss and Ralf Horn. E-SAR P-band SAR subsystem design and RF-interference suppression. In Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings, 1998. IGARSS '98. 1998 IEEE International, volume 1, pages 466-468, 1998. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, airborne radar, interference suppression, microstrip antenna arrays, radar interference, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar, 450 MHz, E-SAR P-band SAR subsystem design, Germany, Institut fur Hochfrequenztechnik, P-Band, P-band radar front-end, RFI Suppression, RF-interference suppression, Weilheim, carrier frequency, experimental airborne synthetic aperture radar, microstrip patch array antenna, polarimetric radar, signal bandwidth. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  76. G. Connan, H. D. Griffiths, and P. V. Brennan. FMCW-SAR development for internal wave imaging. In OCEANS '97. MTS/IEEE Conference Proceedings, volume 1, pages 73-78 vol.1, October 1997. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, W-Band, CW radar, FM radar, electromagnetic wave scattering, oceanographic equipment, oceanographic techniques, radar cross-sections, radar equipment, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, 94 GHz, EHF, FMCW radar, MORSE, Mesoscale Ocean Radar Signature Experiments, SAR, W-band, internal wave, measurement technique, millimetre wave radar, millimetric radar, mm wave, model, ocean dynamics, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, radar remote sensing, synthetic aperture imaging, synthetic aperture radar, ultra-high-resolution SAR, Azimuth, Hydrodynamics, Laboratories, Laser radar, Radar antennas, Radar imaging, Sea surface, Spaceborne radar, Surface topography, Surface waves. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  77. Francesco Holecz, Anthony Freeman, and Jakob van Zyl. Topographic effects on the antenna gain pattern correction. In IGARSS '95, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, volume 1, pages 587-589, 1995. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Geocoding, Geocoding, SIR-C, X-SAR, antenna gain pattern correction, antenna radiation patterns, radiometric calibration, calibration, Radiometric Correction, remote sensing by radar, satellite antennas, Spaceborne SAR, terrain effect, terrain mapping, topographic effect, ERS-1, ERS-2, JERS-1, RADARSAT. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Internal reports

  1. NISAR. NASA-ISRO SAR (NISAR) Mission ScienceUsers' Handbook.. Technical report, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 2018. Keyword(s): L-band, NASA, ISRO, NISAR, spaceborne SAR, SAR Interferometry, deformation, displacement, ground motion, geohazards, sea ice types, detection of icebergs, forest, monitoring, changes in global forest carbon stocks, carbon stocks, Agriculture, food security, mapping of water availability, water use, soil moisture, moisture, glacier, ice sheets, climate change, maritime surveillance. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]



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Last modified: Fri Feb 24 14:24:27 2023
Author: Othmar Frey, Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - ETH Zurich .

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