Publications about 'Surface topography'

Articles in journal or book chapters

  1. Homa Ansari, Francesco De Zan, and Alessandro Parizzi. Study of Systematic Bias in Measuring Surface Deformation With SAR Interferometry. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 59(2):1285-1301, February 2021. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Interferometry, Time Series, Surface Displacement, Deformation, radar imaging, radar interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, short temporal baseline interferograms, Earth surface deformation, SAR time series, mentioned phase component, biasing impact, quality measure, fading signal, physical signal, modern SAR missions, deformation bias, efficient deformation-signal retrieval, accurate deformation-signal retrieval, multilooked interferograms, systematic bias, measuring surface deformation, SAR interferometry, interferometric signal, multilooked synthetic aperture radar interferograms, atmospheric Earth-surface topography changes, stochastic noise, temporal decorrelation, systematic phase component, Big Data, deformation estimation, differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar, SAR, DInSAR, distributed scatterers, DS, error analysis, near real-time processing, NRT, phase inconsistencies, signal decorrelation, time-series analysis. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Dyre Oliver Dammann, Mark A. Johnson, Emily R. Fedders, Andrew R. Mahoney, Charles L. Werner, Christopher M. Polashenski, Franz J. Meyer, and Jennifer K. Hutchings. Ground-Based Radar Interferometry of Sea Ice. Remote Sensing, 13(1), 2021. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  3. Helmut Rott, Stefan Scheiblauer, Jan Wuite, Lukas Krieger, Dana Floricioiu, Paola Rizzoli, Ludivine Libert, and Thomas Nagler. Penetration of interferometric radar signals in Antarctic snow. The Cryosphere, 15(9):4399-4419, September 2021. Keyword(s): SAR Interferometry, Snow, Arctic Snow. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  4. Ilgin Seker and Marco Lavalle. Tomographic Performance of Multi-Static Radar Formations: Theory and Simulations. Remote Sensing, 13(4), 2021. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Multibaseline SAR, Multistatic SAR, Simulations, Spaceborne SAR, Airborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  5. Xie Hu, Roland Burgmann, Eric J. Fielding, and Hyongki Lee. Internal kinematics of the Slumgullion landslide (USA) from high-resolution UAVSAR InSAR data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 251:112057, 2020. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Slumgullion landslide, Kinematic boundaries, Geomorphologic features, UAVSAR, InSAR, DInSAR, Airborne SAR, L-band, Surface Displacements, Deformation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  6. Mariko S. Burgin, Uday K. Khankhoje, Xueyang Duan, and Mahta Moghaddam. Generalized Terrain Topography in Radar Scattering Models. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 54(7):3944-3952, July 2016. Keyword(s): terrain mapping, topography (Earth), vegetation, N-layered soil structure, evergreen forest, extended boundary condition method, modular model, multilayered multispecies vegetation model, overlying vegetation, radar scattering models, radar wave interactions, terrain topography, topographic slopes, Backscatter, Radar, Radar scattering, Surface topography, Vegetation mapping, Electromagnetic scattering, modeling, radar terrain factors, remote sensing, vegetation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  7. Scott Hensley, D. Moller, S. Oveisgharan, T. Michel, and X. Wu. Ka-Band Mapping and Measurements of Interferometric Penetration of the Greenland Ice Sheets by the GLISTIN Radar. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9(6):2436-2450, June 2016. Keyword(s): Global Positioning System, geophysical image processing, hydrological techniques, ice, image segmentation, meteorological radar, optical radar, radar interferometry, snow, synthetic aperture radar, topography (Earth), Antarctica, Earth environment, GLISTIN elevation measurement, GLISTIN instrument, GLISTIN radar, Greenland ice sheet, Jakobshavn glacier area, Ka-band cross-track interferometric radar, Ka-band mapping, NASA GLISTIN Ka-band interferometric radar, NASA Wallop airborne terrain mapper lidar measurement, climate change, ice cap topography, ice surface topography, image mosaic, interferometric penetration, interferometric penetration measurement, interferometric radar mapping system, kinematic GPS survey measurement, lidar, optical system, swath topographic measurement, Ice, Instruments, Laser radar, Sea measurements, Snow, Surfaces, Glaciers, Ka-band, ice sheets, interferometry, penetration, radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  8. Paco Lopez-Dekker, Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Francesco De Zan, Gerhard Krieger, and Alberto Moreira. Correlating Synthetic Aperture Radar (CoSAR). IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 54(4):2268-2284, April 2016. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, geosynchronous SAR, geosynchronous orbit, Correlating SAR, CoSAR, Doppler effect, Doppler radar, Radar imaging, Sea surface, Surface topography, Synthetic aperture radar, Bistatic radar, ocean currents, sea level, sea surface, synthetic aperture radar, van Cittert-Zernike. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  9. Tazio Strozzi, Charles L. Werner, Andreas Wiesmann, and Urs Wegmuller. Topography Mapping With a Portable Real-Aperture Radar Interferometer. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 9(2):277-281, March 2012. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Radar antennas, Radar imaging, Radar remote sensing, Rocks, Spaceborne radar, Surfaces, digital elevation models, glaciology, radar interferometry, rocks, terrain mapping, topography (Earth), AD 2009 08 to 2010 03, Grabengufer rock glacier, Switzerland, digital elevation model, height error standard deviation, ice surface change, instrument design, interferometric phase shift, massive Rhone glacier thinning, portable real-aperture radar interferometer, portable terrestrial radar interferometer, rock glacier destabilization, surface topography, topography mapping, Digital elevation model (DEM), glacier, radar, radar interferometry;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  10. Xiaoqing Wu, K.C. Jezek, E. Rodriguez, S. Gogineni, F. Rodriguez-Morales, and A. Freeman. Ice Sheet Bed Mapping With Airborne SAR Tomography. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 49(10):3791 -3802, oct. 2011. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, 2D image formation, 3D tomographic ice sounding method, AD 2006 05, AD 2008 07, airborne SAR tomography, ice sheet bed mapping, ice sheet surface topography, ice thickness, multiple-phase-center VHF radar system, nadir depth sounder tracks, swath measurements, time-domain subaperture method, very high frequency radar data, geophysical image processing, glaciology, hydrological techniques, radar imaging, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  11. C. Elachi, S. Wall, M. Allison, Y. Anderson, R. Boehmer, P. Callahan, P. Encrenaz, E. Flamini, G. Franceschetti, Y. Gim, G. Hamilton, S. Hensley, M. Janssen, W. Johnson, K. Kelleher, R. Kirk, R. Lopes, R. Lorenz, J. Lunine, D. Muhleman, S. Ostro, F. Paganelli, G. Picardi, F. Posa, L. Roth, R. Seu, S. Shaffer, L. Soderblom, B. Stiles, E. Stofan, S. Vetrella, R. West, C. Wood, L. Wye, and H. Zebker. Cassini Radar Views the Surface of Titan. Science, 308(5724):970-974, 2005. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Cassini Radar, Saturn, astronomical instruments, planetary satellites, radar applications, radioastronomy, space vehicles, Cassini Saturn Mission, Cassini Titan Radar Mapper, Titan, antenna configuration, design constraints, multimode radar, radar modes, surface imaging, topographic mapping, Instruments, Laser radar, Moon, Optical design, Payloads, Probes, Radar antennas, Radar imaging, Saturn, Surface topography. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  12. Alessandro Ferretti, Marco Bianchi, Claudio Prati, and Fabio Rocca. Higher-Order Permanent Scatterers Analysis. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2005(20):609604, 2005. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, PSI, Persistent Scatterer Interferometry, Differential SAR Interferometry, SAR Tomography, Permanent scatterers, geodesy, geophysical techniques, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, topography (Earth)InSAR, SAR interferometry, atmospheric disturbance, atmospheric phase screen, differential interferometry, geometrical decorrelation, geophysical measurement technique, land surface topography, permanent scatterer, radar remote sensing, stable natural reflector, surface deformation monitoring, topographic profile reconstruction. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  13. F. Gini and F. Lombardini. Multibaseline Cross-Track SAR Interferometry: A Signal Processing Perspective. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 20(8):71-93, 2005. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, AWGN, array signal processing, radar signal processing, speckle, surface topography measurement, synthetic aperture radar, InSAR, MB SAR tomography, SAR signal processing, ULA, XTI-SAR, additive white Gaussian noise, multibaseline cross-track SAR interferometry, multicomponent signal detection, multiplicative noise, natural layover area reflectivity, nonparametric spectral estimation, nonperfectly calibrated arrays, parametric spectral estimation, radar imaging speckle, semitransparent volume scattering layers, synthetic aperture radar interferometry, uniform linear array, Teaching. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  14. M. Nolan and D. R. Fatland. Penetration depth as a DInSAR observable and proxy for soil moisture. IEEE_J_GRS, 41(3):532-537, March 2003. Keyword(s): ground penetrating radar, moisture measurement, radiowave interferometry, remote sensing by radar, soil, synthetic aperture radar, C-band, L-band, X-band, agriculture, attenuation, clay rich soils, clay swelling, deformation signals, differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar, digital elevation models, microwave penetration depth, remote sensing, soil moisture, surface deformation, synthetic aperture radar microwaves, terrain mapping, volumetric water content, Interferometry, Microwave theory and techniques, Moisture measurement, Radar detection, Remote sensing, Soil measurements, Soil moisture, Surface topography, Synthetic aperture radar. [bibtex-entry]

  15. A. Ferretti, C. Prati, and F. Rocca. Permanent scatterers in SAR interferometry. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 39(1):8-20, 2001. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, PSI, Persistent Scatterer Interferometry, Differential SAR Interferometry, Permanent scatterers, geodesy, geophysical techniques, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, topography (Earth)InSAR, SAR interferometry, atmospheric disturbance, atmospheric phase screen, differential interferometry, geometrical decorrelation, geophysical measurement technique, land surface topography, permanent scatterer, radar remote sensing, stable natural reflector, surface deformation monitoring, topographic profile reconstruction. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  16. Roland Bürgmann, Paul A. Rosen, and Eric J. Fielding. Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry to Measure Earth's Surface Topography and Its Deformation. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 28(1):169-209, 2000. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Decorrelation, Temporal Decorrelation, Differential Interferometry, DInSAR, SAR Interferometry, Coherence, Synthetic aperture radar, SAR interferometry, differential SAR interferometry, interferometric stacking, deformation monitoring, subsidence monitoring, deformation measurements. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  17. Paul A. Rosen, Scott Hensley, Ian R. Joughin, Fuk K. Li, Soren N. Madsen, Ernesto Rodriguez, and Richard M. Goldstein. Synthetic aperture radar interferometry. Proceedings of the IEEE, 88(3):333-382, March 2000. Keyword(s): Review Paper, SAR Processing, SAR Interferometry, differential SAR Interferometry, DInSAR, InSAR, deformation mapping, surface deformation, surface displacement, cartography, geodesy, geophysical techniques, radiowave interferometry, remote sensing by laser beam, surface topography measurement, synthetic aperture radar, cartography, coherent radar signal phase, geodesy, land cover characterization, natural hazards, radar remote sensing, surface topography, synthetic aperture radar interferometry, Extraterrestrial measurements, Geophysical measurements, Hazards, Radar antennas, Radar imaging, Remote sensing, Spaceborne radar, Surface topography, Synthetic aperture radar interferometry, Vegetation mapping, Interferometry, Baseline Errors, orbital errors, Spaceborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  18. C. Wimmer, R. Siegmund, M. Schwabisch, and João Moreira. Generation of high precision DEMs of the Wadden Sea with airborneinterferometric SAR. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 38(5):2234-2245, 2000. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, InSAR, Interferometry, airborne radar, bathymetry, geodesy, geophysical techniques, oceanographic regions, remote sensing by radar, seafloor phenomena, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, topography (Earth), AeS-1, Bremerhaven, DEM, German Bight, Germany, North Sea, Wadden Sea, airborne interferometric radar, coast, digital elevation model, geophysical measurement technique, interferometric SAR, intertidal zone, land surface topography, ocean, radar remote sensing, seafloor, verification, Airborne SAR, Doppler Centroid Estimation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  19. G. Fornaro, V. Pascazio, and G. Schirinzi. Synthetic aperture radar interferometry using one bit coded raw and reference signals. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 35(5):1245 -1253, September 1997. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, InSAR, Signum Coded, geodesy, geophysical measurement technique, interferometric SAR, interferometric phase pattern generation, interferometric phase patterns, land surface topography, one bit coded raw signal, quick-look DEM, radar imaging, radar remote sensing, reference function, reference signal, signal processing, spaceborne radar, synthetic aperture radar interferometry, terrain mapping, geodesy, geophysical signal processing, geophysical techniques, radar imaging, radar signal processing, remote sensing by radar, spaceborne radar, synthetic aperture radar, topography (Earth). [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  20. G. Fornaro, G. Franceschetti, and R. Lanari. Interferometric SAR phase unwrapping using Green's formulation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 34(3):720 -727, May 1996. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, InSAR, SAR Interferometry, Phase Unwrapping, Green's first identity, Green's formulation, ISAR, SAR, algorithm, geodesy, geophysical measurement technique, interferometric SAR phase unwrapping, land surface topography, radar imaging, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, unwrapped phase value, geophysical techniques, radar imaging, radiowave interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, topography (Earth). [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  21. R. Kwok and M.A. Fahnestock. Ice sheet motion and topography from radar interferometry. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 34(1):189-200, January 1996. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Interferometry, SAR interferometry, differential SAR interferometry, DInSAR, Displacement, Surface Displacement, glaciology, hydrological techniques, radar applications, radar imaging, remote sensing by radar, spaceborne radar, synthetic aperture radar, Greenland, SAR method, flow, geophysical measurement technique, glaciology, hydrology, ice sheet motion, motion, polar ice sheet, radar interferometry, radar remote sensing, repeat pass ERS-1 interferogram, surface displacement field, topography, velocity field, Data mining, Ice surface, Laboratories, Propulsion, Radar interferometry, Satellites, Space technology, Streaming media, Surface topography, Synthetic aperture radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  22. Robert N. Treuhaft, Soren N. Madsen, Mahta Moghaddam, and Jakob van Zyl. Vegetation characteristics and underlying topography from interferometric radar. Radio Science, 31(6):1449-1485, 1996. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, InSAR, Interferometry, Vegetation Parameters, Parameter Extraction, Topography, SAR Tomography. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  23. J.O. Hagberg, L. M. H. Ulander, and J. Askne. Repeat-pass SAR interferometry over forested terrain. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 33(2):331-340, March 1995. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR interferometry, forest, forested terrain, forestry, general system model, geophysical method, interferometry, land surface topography, measurement technique, radar remote sensing, repeat pass method, scene scattering, synthetic aperture radar, topographic map, vegetation mapping, forestry, geophysical techniques, radar applications, radar imaging, remote sensing, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, topography (Earth). [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  24. J. Moreira, M. Schwabisch, G. Fornaro, R. Lanari, R. Bamler, D. Just, U. Steinbrecher, H. Breit, M. Eineder, G. Franceschetti, D. Geudtner, and H. Rinkel. X-SAR interferometry: first results. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 33(4):950 -956, July 1995. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, InSAR, SAR interferometry, SIR-C, Space Shuttle, X-SAR, X-band SHF microwave, digital elevation model, geodesy, geophysical measurement technique, ground range geometry, land surface topography, radar remote sensing, repeat pass interferometry, spaceborne radar, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, geophysical techniques, radar applications, radar imaging, remote sensing by radar, spaceborne radar, synthetic aperture radar, topography (Earth). [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  25. H.A. Zebker and J. Villasenor. Decorrelation in interferometric radar echoes. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 30(5):950-959, September 1992. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, geophysical techniques, radiowave interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, Decorrelation, Temporal Decorrelation, topography (Earth), Oregon, United States, backscatter, decorrelation, digital terrain model generation, echo correlation statistics, forested area, global digital terrain map, interferometric radar echoes, radar interferometric technique, remote sensing, single synthetic aperture radar, surficial change, topographic mapping, unvegetated lava flows, vegetated surfaces, Decorrelation, Digital elevation models, Noise level, Propulsion, Radar antennas, Space technology, Spaceborne radar, Surface topography, Synthetic aperture radar, Terrain mapping. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  26. Charles Elachi, Eastwood Im, Ladislav E. Roth, and Charles L. Werner. Cassini Titan Radar Mapper. Proceedings of the IEEE, 79(6):867-880, June 1991. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Cassini Radar, Saturn, astronomical instruments, planetary satellites, radar applications, radioastronomy, space vehicles, Cassini Saturn Mission, Cassini Titan Radar Mapper, Titan, antenna configuration, design constraints, multimode radar, radar modes, surface imaging, topographic mapping, Instruments, Laser radar, Moon, Optical design, Payloads, Probes, Radar antennas, Radar imaging, Saturn, Surface topography. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles

  1. A. Moreira, O. Ponce, M. Nannini, M. Pardini, P. Prats, A. Reigber, K. Papathanassiou, and G. Krieger. Multi-baseline spaceborne SAR imaging. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp. (IGARSS), pages 1420-1423, July 2016. Keyword(s): geophysical image processing, holography, radar imaging, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, spaceborne radar, synthetic aperture radar, HoloSAR, PolInSAR, TomoSAR, across-track interferometry, along- track interferometry, glacier movement, ground deformation, holography SAR, multi-baseline imaging capability, multi-dimensional data space, multibaseline spaceborne SAR imaging, multistatic SAR configuration, ocean current, polarimetric SAR interferometry, spaceborne SAR development, spaceborne SAR image product, sparse array, surface topography measurement, tomography SAR, Interferometry, Radar imaging, Radar polarimetry, Spaceborne radar, Synthetic aperture radar, Tomography, Multi-Baseline Imaging, Polarimetric SAR Interferometry, Polarimetry, SAR Holography, SAR Tomography, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). [bibtex-entry]

  2. A. Moreira, O. Ponce, M. Nannini, M. Pardini, and P. Prats. Multi-baseline imaging: A vision for spaceborne SAR. In Proc. 16th Int. Radar Symp. (IRS), pages 20-29, June 2015. Keyword(s): radar interferometry, remote sensing by radar, spaceborne radar, synthetic aperture radar, topography (Earth), across-track interferometry, along-track interferometry, glacier movement, ground deformation measurement, holography SAR, image product, multibaseline imaging, multidimensional data space, multistatic SAR configuration, ocean current measurement, polarimetric SAR interferometry, spaceborne SAR system development, sparse array, surface topography measurement, tomography SAR, Imaging, Interferometry, Radar imaging, Radar polarimetry, Spaceborne radar, Synthetic aperture radar. [bibtex-entry]

  3. J. Abril, E. Nova, A. Broquetas, A. Aguasca, J. Romeu, and L. Jofre. Deforming and relief interferometric SAR imaging at W-band. In 2011 International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, pages 1-2, October 2011. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, W-Band, backpropagation, deformation, millimetre wave antennas, radar antennas, radar imaging, radar interferometry, receiving antennas, reflectivity, rough surfaces, synthetic aperture radar, L-shape target, W-band, backpropagation algorithm, image local deformation, interferogram coherence, interferometric phase difference, interferometric synthetic aperture radar, metallic rough surface deformation test, micrometric displacement, radar reflectivity, relief interferometric SAR imaging, scattered field, surface random change, surface relieve retrieval, Antenna measurements, Image resolution, Imaging, Radar imaging, Rough surfaces, Surface roughness, Surface topography. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  4. A. Elsherbini and K. Sarabandi. Image distortion effects in subsurface SAR imaging of deserts and their correction technique. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp, pages 1075-1078, July 2011. Keyword(s): geophysical image processing, iterative methods, radar imaging, radar interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, topography (Earth), arid regions, conventional SAR focusing techniques, correction technique, deserts, dual frequency InSAR, geometric distortion, image degradation, image distortion effects, interferometric coherence, interferometric synthetic aperture radar, iterative approach, nonplanar top surface, point spread function dispersion, scaled model measurements, subsurface SAR imaging, subsurface region imaging, subsurface topography estimation, Azimuth, Focusing, History, Optical surface waves, Solid modeling, Surface topography, Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), Radar Imaging, Subsurface Imaging, Terrain Mapping. [bibtex-entry]

  5. A. Elsherbini and K. Sarabandi. Subsurface topography mapping in deserts using two frequency SAR interferometry. In Proc. XXXth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symp, pages 1-4, August 2011. Keyword(s): radar interferometry, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, topography (Earth), InSAR inversion, Ka-InSAR, SAR image, VHF-InSAR, arid region, desert, height estimation, image distortion, scaled model measurement, subsurface topography mapping, top interface topography, two frequency SAR interferometry, Antennas, Azimuth, Extraterrestrial measurements, Focusing, Scattering, Surface topography. [bibtex-entry]

  6. A. Elsherbini and K. Sarabandi. Topography of sand covered bedrock using two-frequency airborne interferometric SAR measurements. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp, volume 2, pages II-250-II-253, July 2009. Keyword(s): airborne radar, geophysical prospecting, radar interferometry, remote sensing by radar, rocks, sand, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, topography (Earth), InSAR processing, iterative algorithm, oil field search, sand covered bedrock, sand dunes, subsurface imaging, topography, two-frequency airborne interferometric SAR, Backscatter, Bandwidth, Frequency, Iterative algorithms, Petroleum, Receiving antennas, Signal design, Signal to noise ratio, Surface topography, Synthetic aperture radar interferometry, Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR), Subsurface Imaging, radar imaging. [bibtex-entry]

  7. Charles L. Werner, Tazio Strozzi, Andreas Wiesmann, and Urs Wegmuller. A Real-Aperture Radar for Ground-Based Differential Interferometry. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., volume 3, pages 210-213, July 2008. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Antenna measurements, Instruments, Interferometry, Monitoring, Radar antennas, Radar imaging, Receiving antennas, Satellites, Spaceborne radar, Terrain factors, antennas, geomorphology, geophysical equipment, radar interferometry, remote sensing by radar, rocks, spaceborne radar, synthetic aperture radar, GAMMA Portable Radar Interferometer, GPRI, frequency 17.2 GHz, ground-based differential interferometry, height measurements, image acquisition, in-situ radar imaging system, landslides, line-of-sight displacements, phase differences, photogrammetry systems, real-aperture radar, receiving antennas, rock fall warning system, slope stability, space-borne INSAR, space-borne SAR interferometry, surface topography, GAMMA, RAR, Radar Interferometer, glacier, landslide;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  8. A. Löw and W. Mauser. Generation of geometrically and radiometrically terrain corrected ScanSAR images. In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2003. IGARSS '03, volume 6, pages 3995-3997, 2003. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Geocoding, Radiometric Calibration, Calibration, Radiometric Correction, backscatter, microwave imaging, radiometry, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, topography (Earth), ENVISAT, ASAR, RADARSAT, biophysical parameters, geometrically terrain corrected ScanSAR images, ScanSAR, geophysical parameters, microwave imagery, quantitative image analysis, radiometrically terrain corrected ScanSAR images, surface topography, synthetic aperture imagery. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  9. Charles Werner, Urs Wegmuller, Andreas Wiesmann, and Tazio Strozzi. Interferometric point target analysis with JERS-1 L-band SAR data. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., volume 7, pages 4359-4361, July 2003. IEEE. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Interferometry, SAR Interferometry, Persistent Scatterer Interferometry, PSI, Interferometric Point Target Analysis, IPTA, L-band, Atmospheric modeling, Deformable models, Phase estimation, Atmosphere, Testing, Surface topography, Azimuth, Remote sensing, Sensor phenomena and characterization, topography, synthetic aperture radar, spaceborne radar, remote sensing by radar, radiowave interferometry, geophysical techniques, subsidence, JERS-1 L-band SAR data, long-term coherence, surface deformation, Koga, Japan. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  10. Irena Hajnsek, Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou, Alberto Moreira, and Shane R. Cloude. Surface parameter estimation using interferometric and polarimetric SAR. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp, volume 1, pages 420-422 vol.1, 2002. Keyword(s): backscatter, geophysical techniques, hydrological techniques, radar cross-sections, radar polarimetry, radar theory, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, geophysical measurement technique, hydrology, interferometric SAR, interferometric coherence, land surface, moisture, polarimetric SAR, radar remote sensing, radar scattering, soil moisture, surface parameter estimation, surface roughness, surface scattering model, Anisotropic magnetoresistance, Coherence, Decorrelation, Parameter estimation, Polarization, Reflectivity, Rough surfaces, Scattering, Surface roughness, Surface topography. [bibtex-entry]

  11. Z. She, D.A. Gray, R.E. Bogner, and J. Homer. Three-dimensional SAR imaging via multiple pass processing. In Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 1999. IGARSS '99 Proceedings. IEEE 1999 International, volume 5, pages 2389-2391, 1999. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, geophysical techniques, radar imaging, remote sensing by radar, spaceborne radar, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, topography (Earth), DFT, InSAR, SAR, SAR image, beamforming, eigenvector method, elevation, geophysical measurement technique, image registration, land surface topography, multiple pass processing, phase correction, radar remote sensing, subspace method, superresolution, three-dimensional imaging. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  12. Andreas Reigber and Andreas Ulbricht. P-band repeat-pass interferometry with the DLR experimental SAR. In Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings, 1998. IGARSS '98. 1998 IEEE International, volume 4, pages 1914-1916, 1998. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, airborne radar, geophysical techniques, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, DLR experimental SAR, ESAR, P-Band, RF interference removal, RFI Suppression, SAR interferometry, Interferometry, UHF, geophysical measurement technique, ground parameters, land surface, radar remote sensing, repeat-pass interferometry, repeat-pass mode, surface topography, terrain mapping. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  13. G. Connan, H. D. Griffiths, and P. V. Brennan. FMCW-SAR development for internal wave imaging. In OCEANS '97. MTS/IEEE Conference Proceedings, volume 1, pages 73-78 vol.1, October 1997. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, W-Band, CW radar, FM radar, electromagnetic wave scattering, oceanographic equipment, oceanographic techniques, radar cross-sections, radar equipment, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, 94 GHz, EHF, FMCW radar, MORSE, Mesoscale Ocean Radar Signature Experiments, SAR, W-band, internal wave, measurement technique, millimetre wave radar, millimetric radar, mm wave, model, ocean dynamics, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, radar remote sensing, synthetic aperture imaging, synthetic aperture radar, ultra-high-resolution SAR, Azimuth, Hydrodynamics, Laboratories, Laser radar, Radar antennas, Radar imaging, Sea surface, Spaceborne radar, Surface topography, Surface waves. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  14. J. Homer, I.D. Longstaff, and G. Callaghan. High resolution 3-D SAR via multi-baseline interferometry. In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS'96, volume 1, pages 796-798, May 1996. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, geophysical techniques, radar imaging, remote sensing by radar, spaceborne radar, synthetic aperture radar, topography (Earth)3D imagery, InSAR, Multi-baseline Interferometry, SAR imaging, azimuth resolving capability, geophysical measurment technique, interferometric SAR, land surface topography, node aperture, normal-to-slant-range direction, procedural outline, radar remote sensing, terrain height, terrain mapping, theoretical analysis, three dimensional SAR method. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  15. Francesco Holecz, Anthony Freeman, and Jakob van Zyl. Topographic effects on the antenna gain pattern correction. In IGARSS '95, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, volume 1, pages 587-589, 1995. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Geocoding, Geocoding, SIR-C, X-SAR, antenna gain pattern correction, antenna radiation patterns, radiometric calibration, calibration, Radiometric Correction, remote sensing by radar, satellite antennas, Spaceborne SAR, terrain effect, terrain mapping, topographic effect, ERS-1, ERS-2, JERS-1, RADARSAT. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  16. P. Pasquali, C. Prati, F. Rocca, M. Seymour, J. Fortuny, E. Ohlmer, and A.J. Sieber. A 3-D SAR experiment with EMSL data. In Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 1995. IGARSS '95. 'Quantitative Remote Sensing for Science and Applications', International, volume 1, pages 784-786, 1995. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Tomography, SAR Tomography, radar applications, radar imaging, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, topography (Earth), EMSL, European Microwave Signature Laboratory o, JRC, geodesy, geophysical measurement technique, horizontal slice, interferometric SAR image, land surface topography, multi-baseline SAR, radar remote sensing, target reconstruction, terrain mapping, three dimensional structure. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]



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This collection of SAR literature is far from being complete.
It is rather a collection of papers which I store in my literature data base. Hence, the list of publications under PUBLICATIONS OF AUTHOR'S NAME should NOT be mistaken for a complete bibliography of that author.

Last modified: Fri Feb 24 14:25:12 2023
Author: Othmar Frey, Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - ETH Zurich .

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