Publications about 'Surfaces'

Books and proceedings

  1. Akira Ishimaru. Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Radiation and Scattering. John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2017. Keyword(s): Scattering Theory, Wave Propagation, Radiation, Scattering, advanced analytical theory, dielectric slab, electromagnetic scattering, electromagnetic theory, electromagnetic wave propagation, excitation, Maxwell's equations, microwave waveguides, Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouim solution, boundary conditions, electromagnetic waves, energy relations, fundamental field equations, Hertz vectors, Poynting's theorem, reciprocity theorem, scalar acoustic waves, time-harmonic wave, Time-Reversal Imaging, Scattering by Turbulence, Particles, Diffuse Medium, Rough Surfaces, Coherence in Multiple Scattering, Diagram Method, Solitons, Optical Fibers, Porous Media, Permittivity, Fluid Permeability. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Jakob Van Zyl and Yunjin Kim. Synthetic Aperture Radar Polarimetry. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR, Polarimetry, SAR Polarimetry, Synthetic Aperture Radar, Scattering, Microwave Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing, Polarization, Scattering Models, Microwave Scattering, Electromagnetic Scattering, calibration algorithms, polarimetric calibration, calibration, scattering from rough surfaces, surface scattering, soil moisture. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  3. Leung Tsang, Jin Au Kong, and Kung-Hau Ding. Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves: Theories and Applications, volume 1. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., July 2000. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Articles in journal or book chapters

  1. Oriane Gassot, Alain Herique, Wenzhe Fa, Jun Du, and Wlodek Kofman. Ultra-Wideband SAR Tomography on Asteroids. Radio Science, 56(8):e2020RS007186, 2021. Note: E2020RS007186 2020RS007186. Keyword(s): asteroids, Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR tomography, simulation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Fabio Rocca, Deren Li, Stefano Tebaldini, Mingsheng Liao, Lu Zhang, Fabrizio Lombardini, Timo Balz, Norbert Haala, Xiaoli Ding, and Ramon Hanssen. Three- and Four-Dimensional Topographic Measurement and Validation. Remote Sensing, 13(15), 2021. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Synthetic Aperture Radar, Interferometry, SAR Interferometry, Persistent Scatterer Interferometry, PSI, SAR Tomography, Tomography, TomoSAR, 3-D imaging, temporal decorrelation, deformation, validation, surface displacements, topographic mapping. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  3. Helmut Rott, Stefan Scheiblauer, Jan Wuite, Lukas Krieger, Dana Floricioiu, Paola Rizzoli, Ludivine Libert, and Thomas Nagler. Penetration of interferometric radar signals in Antarctic snow. The Cryosphere, 15(9):4399-4419, September 2021. Keyword(s): SAR Interferometry, Snow, Arctic Snow. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  4. Yanyan Zhang, Heng Zhang, Naiming Ou, Kaiyu Liu, Da Liang, Yunkai Deng, and Robert Wang. First Demonstration of Multipath Effects on Phase Synchronization Scheme for LT-1. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 58(4):2590-2604, April 2020. Keyword(s): Synchronization, Satellites, Frequency synchronization, Receiving antennas, Doppler effect, Rough surfaces, Surface roughness, Bistatic synthetic aperture radar (SAR), Doppler frequency shift, multipath effect, phase synchronization, scale experiment. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  5. Simone Baffelli, Othmar Frey, and Irena Hajnsek. Polarimetric Analysis of Natural Terrain Observed With a Ku-Band Terrestrial Radar. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 12(12):5268-5288, December 2019. Keyword(s): Terrestrical Radar, Polarimetry, Radar Polarimetry, ku-band, Gamma Portable Radar Interferometer, GPRI-II, Polarimetric Gamma Portable Radar Interferometer, PolGPRI, Entropy, ground based radar, polarimetric radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  6. Francescopaolo Sica, Andrea Pulella, Matteo Nannini, Muriel Pinheiro, and Paola Rizzoli. Repeat-pass SAR interferometry for land cover classification: A methodology using Sentinel-1 Short-Time-Series. Remote Sensing of Environment, 232:111277, 2019. Keyword(s): Land cover classification, SAR, Interferometric coherence, Sentinel-1, Temporal decorrelation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  7. Muriel Pinheiro, Andreas Reigber, Rolf Scheiber, Pau Prats-Iraola, and Alberto Moreira. Generation of Highly Accurate DEMs Over Flat Areas by Means of Dual-Frequency and Dual-Baseline Airborne SAR Interferometry. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, pp 1-30, 2018. Keyword(s): Calibration, Data models, Decorrelation, Interferometry, Standards, Surfaces, Synthetic aperture radar, Digital elevation model (DEM), SAR interferometry (InSAR)., dual frequency, repeat-pass interferometry. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  8. D. Li, M. Rodriguez-Cassola, P. Prats-Iraola, M. Wu, and A. Moreira. Reverse Backprojection Algorithm for the Accurate Generation of SAR Raw Data of Natural Scenes. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 14(11):2072-2076, November 2017. Keyword(s): data acquisition, geophysical image processing, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, tropospheric electromagnetic wave propagation, reverse backprojection algorithm, SAR raw data, natural scenes, SAR image formation sibling, multistatic SAR missions, synthetic aperture radar mission concepts, geosynchronous SAR missions, observation geometry, acquisition strategy, atmospheric propagation, Synthetic aperture radar, Low earth orbit satellites, Azimuth, Atmospheric modeling, Standards, Algorithm design and analysis, Data models, Azimuth variation, backprojection algorithm, geosynchronous (GEO) SAR, raw data simulation, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), terrain observation with progressive scan (TOPS), tropospheric propagation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  9. Scott Hensley, D. Moller, S. Oveisgharan, T. Michel, and X. Wu. Ka-Band Mapping and Measurements of Interferometric Penetration of the Greenland Ice Sheets by the GLISTIN Radar. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9(6):2436-2450, June 2016. Keyword(s): Global Positioning System, geophysical image processing, hydrological techniques, ice, image segmentation, meteorological radar, optical radar, radar interferometry, snow, synthetic aperture radar, topography (Earth), Antarctica, Earth environment, GLISTIN elevation measurement, GLISTIN instrument, GLISTIN radar, Greenland ice sheet, Jakobshavn glacier area, Ka-band cross-track interferometric radar, Ka-band mapping, NASA GLISTIN Ka-band interferometric radar, NASA Wallop airborne terrain mapper lidar measurement, climate change, ice cap topography, ice surface topography, image mosaic, interferometric penetration, interferometric penetration measurement, interferometric radar mapping system, kinematic GPS survey measurement, lidar, optical system, swath topographic measurement, Ice, Instruments, Laser radar, Sea measurements, Snow, Surfaces, Glaciers, Ka-band, ice sheets, interferometry, penetration, radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  10. Paco Lopez-Dekker, Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Francesco De Zan, Gerhard Krieger, and Alberto Moreira. Correlating Synthetic Aperture Radar (CoSAR). IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 54(4):2268-2284, April 2016. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, geosynchronous SAR, geosynchronous orbit, Correlating SAR, CoSAR, Doppler effect, Doppler radar, Radar imaging, Sea surface, Surface topography, Synthetic aperture radar, Bistatic radar, ocean currents, sea level, sea surface, synthetic aperture radar, van Cittert-Zernike. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  11. S. Tebaldini, F. Rocca, M. Mariotti d'Alessandro, and L. Ferro-Famil. Phase Calibration of Airborne Tomographic SAR Data via Phase Center Double Localization. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 54(3):1775-1792, March 2016. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR tomography, Apertures, Calibration, Focusing, Sensors, Surfaces, Synthetic aperture radar, Tomography, Distributed media, phase calibration, reconstruction algorithms, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), tomography. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  12. Rafael Caduff, Fritz Schlunegger, Andrew Kos, and Andreas Wiesmann. A review of terrestrial radar interferometry for measuring surface change in the geosciences. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40(2):208-228, 2015. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Gamma Portable Radar Interferometer, GPRI, Review, GBSAR, InSAR, Ground-based radar, Ground-based SAR, deformation measurement, displacement, subsidence, terrestrial radar interferometry, mass movements, surface deformation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  13. Roy E. Hansen, A. P. Lyons, T. O. Saebo, H. J. Callow, and D. A. Cook. The Effect of Internal Wave-Related Features on Synthetic Aperture Sonar. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 40(3):621-631, July 2015. Keyword(s): Synthetic Aperture Sonar, SAS, autonomous underwater vehicles, bathymetry, oceanographic techniques, sonar imaging, synthetic aperture sonar, (AUV), CMRE, Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation, Elba Island Italy, FFI, HUGIN autonomous underwater vehicle, Kjeller Norway, La Spezia Italy, NATO research vessel, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, RV, SAS bathymetry, SAS imaging, acoustical ray model, bolus, interferometric synthetic aperture sonar, internal wave-related feature effect, moving target analysis, multiaperture processing, multilook processing, repeat pass imaging, seabed topography, sound-speed structure, water column, Geometry, Imaging, Interferometry, Shape, Surfaces, Synthetic aperture sonar, Internal waves, refraction effects, synthetic aperture sonar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  14. M. Rodriguez-Cassola, P. Prats-Iraola, F. De Zan, R. Scheiber, A. Reigber, D. Geudtner, and A. Moreira. Doppler-Related Distortions in TOPS SAR Images. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 53(1):25-35, January 2015. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Focusing, Azimuth Focusing, TOPS, Doppler radar, approximation theory, beam steering, compensation, distortion, geophysical image processing, radar antennas, radar imaging, radar interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, SAR image formation scheme, Sentinel-1 interferometric extra wide swath mode, Sentinel-1 interferometric wide swath mode, TOPS SAR image, TerraSAR-X TOPS, azimuth distortion, burst mode acquisition, compensation strategy, focused SAR image, intrapulse motion, low Earth orbit SAR, radar antenna, range distortion, steering, stop-and-go approximation, terrain observation with progressive scan, time-varying Doppler centroid, Azimuth, Doppler effect, Geometry, Orbits, Spaceborne radar, Surfaces, Synthetic aperture radar, Burst-mode acquisitions, Sentinel-1, TerraSAR-X (TerraSAR-X), Terrain Observation with Progressive Scans (TOPS), spaceborne SAR missions, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), wide-swath SAR modes. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  15. A. Elsherbini and K. Sarabandi. Image Distortion Effects in SAR Subsurface Imaging and a New Iterative Approach for Refocusing and Coregistration. IEEE_J_GRS, 52(5):2994-3004, May 2014. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, geophysical image processing, geophysical prospecting, groundwater, image registration, image resolution, radar interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, topography (Earth), 3D simulations, InSAR concept, SAR subsurface imaging, archaeological surveys, ground water exploration, image aberrations, image coregistration, image distortion effects, image refocusing, interferometric synthetic aperture radar, iterative approach, oil field exploration, phase front distortion, topography estimation, Focusing, History, Radar imaging, Surfaces, Synthetic aperture radar, Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR), radar imaging, subsurface imaging, terrain mapping. [bibtex-entry]

  16. Uday K. Khankhoje, Mariko S. Burgin, and Mahta Moghaddam. On the Accuracy of Averaging Radar Backscattering Coefficients for Bare Soils Using the Finite-Element Method. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 11(8):1345-1349, August 2014. Keyword(s): finite element analysis, geophysical techniques, remote sensing by radar, soil, surface roughness, 2-D finite-element method, Gaussian correlated surfaces, Gaussian correlated surfaces possessing behavior, Gaussian type, assumption validity, average coefficients, averaging assumption, averaging radar backscattering coefficient accuracy, backscatter averaging assumption breaks, backscatter averaging assumption validity conditions, bare rough surface assumption validity, bare soils, constitutive homogeneous pixels, ensemble averaged true coefficient computation, exponential type, exponentially correlated surfaces, heterogeneity impact quantification, heterogeneity source, heterogeneous moisture pixels, heterogeneous pixels, heterogeneous roughness pixels, heterogeneous soil moisture, heterogeneous soil roughness, high-contrast pixels, higher cross-pixel coherent interactions, longest correlation lengths, soil moisture, soil surface roughness, surface correlation type, surface variety computed averages, Backscatter, Correlation, Radar, Rough surfaces, Soil moisture, Surface roughness, Electromagnetic scattering by rough surfaces, finite-element methods (FEMs). [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  17. Tazio Strozzi, Charles L. Werner, Andreas Wiesmann, and Urs Wegmuller. Topography Mapping With a Portable Real-Aperture Radar Interferometer. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 9(2):277-281, March 2012. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Radar antennas, Radar imaging, Radar remote sensing, Rocks, Spaceborne radar, Surfaces, digital elevation models, glaciology, radar interferometry, rocks, terrain mapping, topography (Earth), AD 2009 08 to 2010 03, Grabengufer rock glacier, Switzerland, digital elevation model, height error standard deviation, ice surface change, instrument design, interferometric phase shift, massive Rhone glacier thinning, portable real-aperture radar interferometer, portable terrestrial radar interferometer, rock glacier destabilization, surface topography, topography mapping, Digital elevation model (DEM), glacier, radar, radar interferometry;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  18. M.A. Janssen, A. Le Gall, and L.C. Wye. Anomalous radar backscatter from Titan's surface?. Icarus, 212(1):321-328, 2011. Keyword(s): Titan, Satellites, Surfaces, Radio observations, Radar observations. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  19. Xiaoqing Wu, K.C. Jezek, E. Rodriguez, S. Gogineni, F. Rodriguez-Morales, and A. Freeman. Ice Sheet Bed Mapping With Airborne SAR Tomography. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 49(10):3791 -3802, oct. 2011. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, 2D image formation, 3D tomographic ice sounding method, AD 2006 05, AD 2008 07, airborne SAR tomography, ice sheet bed mapping, ice sheet surface topography, ice thickness, multiple-phase-center VHF radar system, nadir depth sounder tracks, swath measurements, time-domain subaperture method, very high frequency radar data, geophysical image processing, glaciology, hydrological techniques, radar imaging, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  20. A. Elsherbini and K. Sarabandi. Mapping of Sand Layer Thickness in Deserts Using SAR Interferometry. IEEE_J_GRS, 48(9):3550-3559, September 2010. Keyword(s): electromagnetic wave scattering, geophysical image processing, geophysical techniques, radar interferometry, remote sensing by radar, sand, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, topography (Earth), Ka InSAR, SAR interferometry, Saudi Arabia, aperture radar system, bedrock topography, desert area, groundwater exploration, inversion algorithm, oil field, radar imaging, sand layer thickness, sand topography, sensitivity analysis, subsurface imaging, Costs, Explosives, Laser radar, Light scattering, Optical scattering, Petroleum, Radar scattering, Seismic waves, Surfaces, Synthetic aperture radar interferometry, Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR). [bibtex-entry]

  21. Helmut Rott, Simon H. Yueh, Donlad W. Cline, Claude Duguay, Richard Essery, Christian Haas, Florence Heliere, Michael Kern, Giovanni Macelloni, Eirik Malnes, Thomas Nagler, Jouni Pulliainen, H. Rebhan, and A. Thompson. Cold Regions Hydrology High-Resolution Observatory for Snow and Cold Land Processes. Proceedings of the IEEE, 98(5):752-765, May 2010. Keyword(s): glaciology, ice, remote sensing by radar, sea ice, snow, synthetic aperture radar, water, climate models, cold land processes, cold regions hydrology high-resolution observatory satellite mission, cryosphere, frequency 17.2 GHz, frequency 9.6 GHz, glaciers, global snow observations, global water cycle, lake ice, land snow, scattering signal decomposition, sea ice, synthetic aperture radar, water cycle variability prediction, Hydrology, Ice surface, Lakes, Land surface, Observatories, Satellites, Sea ice, Sea surface, Snow, Water resources, Climate research, earth observation satellite, glaciers, snow cover, synthetic aperture radar, water resources. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  22. Meng Wei and David T. Sandwell. Decorrelation of L-Band and C-Band Interferometry Over Vegetated Areas in California. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 48(7):2942-2952, July 2010. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Decorrelation, Temporal Decorrelation, Earth crust, faulting, geomorphology, radar interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, vegetation mapping, C-band European Remote Sensing Satellite interferograms, Coast Range area, ERS interferogram, Imperial Valley, L-band Advanced Land Observation Satellite interferograms, Northern California forests, Parkfleld, San Andreas Fault system, Southern California, crustal deformation, decorrelation behavior, decorrelation time, fault creep, interferometric synthetic aperture radar, interseismic deformation, local uplifting signal, near-fault interseismic deformation, sandy surfaces, seasonal acquisitions, signal-to-noise ratio, spatial baseline, spatial baseline lost correlation, temporal baseline, temporal baseline lost correlation, vegetated areas, Correlation, crustal deformation, interferometry, synthetic aperture radar (SAR). [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  23. Lianlin Li and Fang Li. Ionosphere tomography based on spaceborne SAR. Advances in Space Research, 42(7):1187-1193, October 2008. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Ionosphere tomography, Spaceborne SAR, Electron density isolines, Inverse scattering technique for multi-layered random surfaces, Method of moment, MoM, TEC, Total Electron Content, CT, computerized tomography. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  24. Jean-Michel Martinez and Thuy Le Toan. Mapping of flood dynamics and spatial distribution of vegetation in the Amazon floodplain using multitemporal SAR data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 108(3):209 - 223, 2007. Keyword(s): Wetland, Floodplain, Vegetation, Flood, Temporal dynamic, Radar, Classification. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  25. Shane R. Cloude. Polarization coherence tomography. Radio Sci., 41, August 2006. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, radar tomography, polarimetric interferometry, radar polarimetry, Remote sensing, Inverse scattering, Random media and rough surfaces, Interferometry, InSAR, SAR Interferometry, PolInSAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  26. S. Feng and J. Chen. Low-angle reflectivity modeling of land clutter. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 3(2):254-258, April 2006. Keyword(s): least squares approximations, radar clutter, reflectivity, remote sensing by radar, terrain mapping, complex system design, ground based radar design, inductive reasoning, least squares method, low angle radar targets, low angle reflectivity, mean reflectivity model, radar land clutter modeling, radar surface clutter backscattering, Backscatter, Frequency, Parameter estimation, Polarization, Predictive models, Radar clutter, Radar scattering, Reflectivity, Rough surfaces, Surface roughness, Least squares (LS) methods, radar clutter, radar scattering, radar terrain factors. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  27. Robert N. Treuhaft and Paul R. Siqueira. Vertical structure of vegetated land surfaces from interferometric and polarimetric radar. Radio Science, 35:141-178, 2000. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, InSAR, Interferometry, Pol-InSAR, Multi-Baseline SAR, Vegetation Parameters, Parameter Extraction, Topography, SAR Tomography. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  28. Anthony Freeman and Stephen L. Durden. A three-component scattering model for polarimetric SAR data. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 36(3):963-973, May 1998. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Polarimetric Decomposition, Freeman-Durden Decomposition, Bragg scatter, backscatter, canopy scatter, composite scattering model, double-bounce scatter, flooding, forest, geophysical measurement technique, inundation, land surface, orthogonal surface, polarimetric SAR, radar polarimetry, radar remote sensing, radar scattering, randomly oriented dipoles, rough surface, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, three-component scattering model, tropical rain forest, vegetation mapping, backscatter, forestry, geophysical techniques, radar cross-sections, radar polarimetry, radar theory, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  29. Tazio Strozzi and Christian Matzler. Backscattering measurements of alpine snowcovers at 5.3 and 35 GHz. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 36(3):838-848, May 1998. Keyword(s): backscatter, hydrological techniques, radar cross-sections, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, snow, 35 GHz, 5.3 GHz, AD 1993, AD 1994, AD 1995, AD 1996, Austria, Austrian Alp, C-band, EHF, Ka-band, SHF, Switzerland, hydrology, measurement technique, network-analyzer based scatterometer, radar backscatter, radar polarimetry, radar remote sensing, radar scattering, refrozen crust thickness, snow cover, snowcover, volumetric liquid water content, Backscatter, Frequency, Instruments, Millimeter wave measurements, Performance evaluation, Physics, Polarization, Radar measurements, Snow, Testing. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  30. Giorgio Franceschetti, Maurizio Migliaccio, and Daniele Riccio. SAR Raw Signal Simulation of Actual Ground Sites Described in Terms of Sparse Input Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 32(6):1160-1169, November 1994. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Simulation, SAR Simulator, Raw Data Simulator, Fractals, Sparse Input Data, SARAS. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  31. H.A. Zebker and J. Villasenor. Decorrelation in interferometric radar echoes. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 30(5):950-959, September 1992. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, geophysical techniques, radiowave interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, Decorrelation, Temporal Decorrelation, topography (Earth), Oregon, United States, backscatter, decorrelation, digital terrain model generation, echo correlation statistics, forested area, global digital terrain map, interferometric radar echoes, radar interferometric technique, remote sensing, single synthetic aperture radar, surficial change, topographic mapping, unvegetated lava flows, vegetated surfaces, Decorrelation, Digital elevation models, Noise level, Propulsion, Radar antennas, Space technology, Spaceborne radar, Surface topography, Synthetic aperture radar, Terrain mapping. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  32. Andrew K. Gabriel, Richard M. Goldstein, and Howard A. Zebker. Mapping small elevation changes over large areas: Differential radar interferometry. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 94(B7):9183-9191, 1989. Keyword(s): Review Paper, SAR Processing, Interferometry, SAR Interferometry, differential SAR Interferometry, DInSAR, InSAR, deformation mapping, surface deformation, surface displacement, Topographic Mapping, Planetology: Solid Surface Planets and Satellites: Surfaces, Remote sensing, Radar astronomy. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles

  1. Thomas M. Benson, Daniel P. Campbell, and Daniel A. Cook. Gigapixel spotlight synthetic aperture radar backprojection using clusters of GPUs and CUDA. In 2012 IEEE Radar Conference, pages 0853-0858, May 2012. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Back-Projection, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, CUDA, GPU, SAR Focusing, Azimuth Focusing, fast Fourier transforms, graphics processing units, parallel architectures, radar computing, radar imaging, resource allocation, synthetic aperture radar, CUDA Clusters, GPU Clusters, SAR image formation, computing nodes, fast Fourier transforms, gigapixel scale data set, gigapixel spotlight synthetic aperture radar backprojection, graphics processing units, image formation algorithms, image formation framework, nonplanar surfaces, wavefront planarity, Graphics processing unit, History, Interpolation, Kernel, Scalability, Sparse matrices, Synthetic aperture radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. J. Abril, E. Nova, A. Broquetas, A. Aguasca, J. Romeu, and L. Jofre. Deforming and relief interferometric SAR imaging at W-band. In 2011 International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, pages 1-2, October 2011. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, W-Band, backpropagation, deformation, millimetre wave antennas, radar antennas, radar imaging, radar interferometry, receiving antennas, reflectivity, rough surfaces, synthetic aperture radar, L-shape target, W-band, backpropagation algorithm, image local deformation, interferogram coherence, interferometric phase difference, interferometric synthetic aperture radar, metallic rough surface deformation test, micrometric displacement, radar reflectivity, relief interferometric SAR imaging, scattered field, surface random change, surface relieve retrieval, Antenna measurements, Image resolution, Imaging, Radar imaging, Rough surfaces, Surface roughness, Surface topography. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  3. Irena Hajnsek, Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou, Alberto Moreira, and Shane R. Cloude. Surface parameter estimation using interferometric and polarimetric SAR. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp, volume 1, pages 420-422 vol.1, 2002. Keyword(s): backscatter, geophysical techniques, hydrological techniques, radar cross-sections, radar polarimetry, radar theory, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, geophysical measurement technique, hydrology, interferometric SAR, interferometric coherence, land surface, moisture, polarimetric SAR, radar remote sensing, radar scattering, soil moisture, surface parameter estimation, surface roughness, surface scattering model, Anisotropic magnetoresistance, Coherence, Decorrelation, Parameter estimation, Polarization, Reflectivity, Rough surfaces, Scattering, Surface roughness, Surface topography. [bibtex-entry]

  4. Leif J. Harcke, Howard A. Zebker, R.F. Jurgens, and M.A. Slade. Delay-Doppler radar imaging of ``overspread'' planets. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., volume 1, pages 284-286, 2000. Keyword(s): delay-Doppler radar imaging, high resolution imaging, measurement technique, overspread planet, planetary radar astronomy, processing method, radar astronomy, radar signal processing, radioastronomy, rapidly rotating object, signal design, Doppler radar, asteroids, planetary surfaces, planets, radar applications, radar imaging, radar signal processing, radioastronomical techniques. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]



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This collection of SAR literature is far from being complete.
It is rather a collection of papers which I store in my literature data base. Hence, the list of publications under PUBLICATIONS OF AUTHOR'S NAME should NOT be mistaken for a complete bibliography of that author.

Last modified: Fri Feb 24 14:25:12 2023
Author: Othmar Frey, Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - ETH Zurich .

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