Publications about 'Microwaves'

Books and proceedings

  1. Adrian K. Fung and K. S. Chen. Microwave Scattering and Emission Models for Users. Artech House, Boston, London, 2010. Keyword(s): Remote Sensing, Physics, Microwaves, Scattering, Scattering Models, Emission models, Emission, actice, passive, passive microwace, microwave remote sensing, radar, radar remote sensing, radar scattering, backscatter models, microwave scattering models, microwave emission models, radar scattering models, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Computational Science and Modelling. [bibtex-entry]

Articles in journal or book chapters

  1. Stefano Tebaldini, Dinh Ho Tong Minh, Mauro Mariotti d'Alessandro, Ludovic Villard, Thuy Le Toan, and Jerome Chave. The Status of Technologies to Measure Forest Biomass and Structural Properties: State of the Art in SAR Tomography of Tropical Forests. Surveys in Geophysics, May 2019. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, BIOMASS, Earth Explorer 7, EE7, Airborne radar, Array signal processing, Capon, Capon beamformer, L-band, P-band, SAR processing, SAR tomography, beamforming, Focusing, forestry, interferometry, InSAR, multibaseline, multiple signal classification, MUSIC, polarimetry, Remote Sensing, synthetic aperture radar, SAR, scattering, three-dimensional imaging, 3-D imaging, time-domain back-projection, TDBP, tomography, Vegetation, Spaceborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. S. Leinss, H. Löwe, M. Proksch, J. Lemmetyinen, A. Wiesmann, and I. Hajnsek. Anisotropy of seasonal snow measured by polarimetric phase differences in radar time series. The Cryosphere, 10:1771-1797, 2016. Keyword(s): snow, anisotropy, SnowScat, polarimetric, copolar phase difference CPD.. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  3. Silvan Leinss, Andreas Wiesmann, J. Lemmetyinen, and I. Hajnsek. Snow Water Equivalent of Dry Snow Measured by Differential Interferometry. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8(8):3773-3790, August 2015. Keyword(s): radar interferometry, remote sensing by radar, snow, Finland, SnowScat instrument, Sodankyla town, Xand Ku-band, active microwave remote sensing method, differential interferogram time series, differential radar interferometry, dry snow measurement, frequency 10 GHz, frequency 16 GHz, frequency 20 GHz, passive microwave remote sensing method, phase wrapping error, reference instrument, signal delay, snow density, snow pack spatial inhomogeneity, snow volume, snow water equivalent mapping, stratigraphy, temporal decorrelation, time 30 day, Backscatter, Ice, Instruments, Interferometry, Snow, Synthetic aperture radar, Coherence loss, SnowScat, dielectric constant of snow, differential interferometry (D-InSAR), dry snow, microwave penetration of snow, real aperture radar, snow water equivalent (SWE), synthetic aperture radar (SAR). [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  4. Othmar Frey and Erich Meier. Analyzing Tomographic SAR Data of a Forest With Respect to Frequency, Polarization, and Focusing Technique. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 49(10):3648-3659, October 2011. Keyword(s): Airborne radar, Array signal processing, Capon, Capon beamformer, L-band, P-band, SAR processing, SAR tomography, beamforming, Focusing, forestry, interferometry, InSAR, multibaseline, multiple signal classification, MUSIC, polarimetry, Remote Sensing, synthetic aperture radar, SAR, scattering, three-dimensional imaging, 3-D imaging, time-domain back-projection, TDBP, tomography, Vegetation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  5. M. Nolan and D. R. Fatland. Penetration depth as a DInSAR observable and proxy for soil moisture. IEEE_J_GRS, 41(3):532-537, March 2003. Keyword(s): ground penetrating radar, moisture measurement, radiowave interferometry, remote sensing by radar, soil, synthetic aperture radar, C-band, L-band, X-band, agriculture, attenuation, clay rich soils, clay swelling, deformation signals, differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar, digital elevation models, microwave penetration depth, remote sensing, soil moisture, surface deformation, synthetic aperture radar microwaves, terrain mapping, volumetric water content, Interferometry, Microwave theory and techniques, Moisture measurement, Radar detection, Remote sensing, Soil measurements, Soil moisture, Surface topography, Synthetic aperture radar. [bibtex-entry]

  6. F. Gustrau and A. Bahr. W-band investigation of material parameters, SAR distribution, and thermal response in human tissue. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 50(10):2393-2400, October 2002. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, W-Band, bioelectric phenomena, biological effects of microwaves, biological tissues, biothermics, dosimetry, eye, finite difference time-domain analysis, health hazards, infrared imaging, skin, 3 to 100 GHz, 77 GHz, Gunn oscillator, SAR distribution, W-band dielectric properties, analytical method, dosimetry, electromagnetic field, eye tissue, finite-difference time-domain method, horn antenna, human eye, human tissue, layered skin model, maximum local SAR values, maximum temperature increase, millimeter-wave irradiation, plane-wave exposure, porcine eye, safety guidelines, skin, specific absorption rate, superficial tissue, temperature changes, thermal bio-heat-transfer simulation, thermal infrared imaging system, thermal response, Antenna measurements, Biological materials, Biological system modeling, Biological tissues, Dielectric materials, Electromagnetic fields, Humans, Millimeter wave measurements, Skin, Temperature. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  7. Andreas Wiesmann, Christian Matzler, and Thomas Weise. Radiometric and structural measurements of snow samples. Radio Science, 33(2):273-289, 1998. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  8. Jan Askne and H. Nordius. Estimation of tropospheric delay for microwaves from surface weather data. Radio Science, 22(3):379-386, 1987. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  9. Christian Matzler. Applications of the interaction of microwaves with the natural snow cover. Remote sensing reviews, 2(2):259-387, 1987. [bibtex-entry]

  10. Christian Mätzler. Applications of the interaction of microwaves with the natural snow cover. Remote Sensing Reviews, 2(2):259-387, 1987. [bibtex-entry]

  11. Matthew N. O. Sadiku. Refractive index of snow at microwave frequencies. Appl. Opt., 24(4):572-575, February 1985. Keyword(s): Microwaves, Snow, refractive index, refraction, birefringence. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  12. J. Saastamoinen. Atmospheric Correction for the Troposphere and Stratosphere in Radio Ranging Satellites, pages 247-251. American Geophysical Union, 1972. Keyword(s): Meteorology, Radio ranging of satellites, Refractive index of air, Stratosphere, Troposphere. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles

  1. Stefano Tebaldini and Laurent Ferro-Famil. High resolution three-dimensional imaging of a snowpack from ground-based SAR data acquired at X and Ku Band. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 77-80, July 2013. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Snow, Snowpack, X-band, Ku-band, remote sensing by radar, snow, synthetic aperture radar, 2D synthetic array, 3D imaging, AD 2010 12, Col de Porte, French Alps, GB SAR campaign, Ground Based SAR data, MeteoFrance, ice layer, snowpack, Backscatter, Focusing, Ice, Snow, Synthetic aperture radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. M. Rombach and João Moreira. Description and applications of the multipolarized dual band OrbiSAR-1 InSAR sensor. In Radar Conference, 2003. Proceedings of the International, volume 5, pages 245-250, 2003. Keyword(s): electromagnetic wave reflection, electromagnetic wave scattering, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, Spaceborne SAR, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, topography (Earth), vegetation mapping, OrbiSAR-1 InSAR sensor, area mapping, bald earth height information, biomass, canopy top foliage scattering, digital elevation, forest-classification, ground elevation, interferometric SAR, multipolarized dual band InSAR sensor, permanent cloud covered tropical areas, soil reflection, surface elevation, topographic maps, trunk reflection, vegetation density, vegetation height, vegetation/microwave interaction. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]



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This collection of SAR literature is far from being complete.
It is rather a collection of papers which I store in my literature data base. Hence, the list of publications under PUBLICATIONS OF AUTHOR'S NAME should NOT be mistaken for a complete bibliography of that author.

Last modified: Fri Feb 24 14:24:03 2023
Author: Othmar Frey, Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - ETH Zurich .

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