Publications about 'InSAR system'

Articles in journal or book chapters

  1. Richard Bamler and Philipp Hartl. Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry. Inverse Problems, 14:1-54, August 1998. Keyword(s): Review Paper, SAR Processing, Interferometry, SAR Interferometry, differential SAR Interferometry, DInSAR, InSAR, deformation mapping, surface deformation, surface displacement, cartography, geodesy, geophysical techniques, radiowave interferometry, coherence. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Ernesto Rodriguez and J. M. Martin. Theory and design of interferometric synthetic aperture radars. IEE Proceedings - Radar and Signal Processing, 139(2):147-159, April 1992. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, InSAR, interferometry, radar interferometry, SAR interferometry, electromagnetic wave interferometry, geophysical equipment, Monte Carlo methods, radar systems, radar theory, remote sensing by radar, topography (Earth), geophysical technique, remote sensing, design, interferometric synthetic aperture radars, high spatial resolution, height accuracy, signal statistics, optimal estimator, interferometric phase, height-error budget, high-resolution global topographic mapping, Monte Carlo simulation, InSAR system, Interferometry, Geophysical measurements, Monte Carlo methods, Radar, Radar theory, Radar imaging, Remote sensing. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles

  1. Othmar Frey, Charles Werner, Andrea Manconi, and Roberto Coscione. Mobile Mapping of Surface Displacements Using a Novel Compact UAV-Borne / Car-Borne InSAR System. In American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2020, 2020. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Othmar Frey, Charles L. Werner, Urs Wegmuller, Andreas Wiesmann, Daniel Henke, and Christophe Magnard. A car-borne SAR and InSAR experiment. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 93-96, 2013. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, dechirp-on-receive, FMCW, Frequency-modulated continous wave, Ground-based SAR, car-borne SAR, CARSAR, InSAR, DInSAR, geophysical techniques, ground-based SAR system, radar interferometry, synthetic aperture radar, GAMMA Portable Radar Interferometer (GPRI), GPRI, GPRI-II, PanGEO, interferometric technique, Coherence, Correlation, Interferometry, agile platform. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  3. M. A. Remy, Karlus A. Camara de Macedo, and Joao R. Moreira. The first UAV-based P- and X-band interferometric SAR system. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 5041-5044, July 2012. Keyword(s): geophysical equipment, radar interferometry, remote sensing, synthetic aperture radar, UAV-based P-band interferometric SAR system, UAV-based X-band interferometric SAR system, OrbiSat system, Brazil, compact InSAR system, flexible InSAR system, topographic survey, differential interferometry, unmanned air vehicle, Synthetic aperture radar, Global Positioning System, Remote sensing, Interferometry, Radar antennas, UAV, SAR, P, X, interferometry. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  4. F. Gini and F. Lombardini. Multibaseline post-processing for SAR interferometry. In Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop Proceedings, 2004, pages 20-29, 2004. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, radar detection, radar imaging, radiowave interferometry, synthetic aperture radar, 3D mapping, XTI-SAR, additive white Gaussian noise, cross-track InSAR system, multibaseline InSAR processing, multicomponent signal corruption estimation, multiplicative noise, radar reflectivity retrieval, semitransparent volume scattering layer, signal detection, tomography. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  5. F. Berizzi, G. Corsini, M. Diani, F. Lombardini, and G. Pinelli. Simulation model and performance analysis of a three-antenna InSAR system. In Radar 97 (Conf. Publ. No. 449), pages 119-123, October 1997. [bibtex-entry]


  1. Othmar Frey, Charles Werner, Andrea Manconi, and Roberto Coscione. High-resolution mobile mapping of slope stability with car- and UAV-borne InSAR systems, 2022. Note: EGU General Assembly 2022; Conference Location: Vienna, Austria; Conference Date: May 23-27, 2022; Conference lecture held on May 25, 2022. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]



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This collection of SAR literature is far from being complete.
It is rather a collection of papers which I store in my literature data base. Hence, the list of publications under PUBLICATIONS OF AUTHOR'S NAME should NOT be mistaken for a complete bibliography of that author.

Last modified: Fri Feb 24 14:23:45 2023
Author: Othmar Frey, Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - ETH Zurich .

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