Publications of year 1983

Articles in journal or book chapters

  1. Earl R. Ferrara and Terry M. Parks. Direction finding with an array of antennas having diverse polarizations. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 31(2):231-236, March 1983. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Antenna arrays, Estimation, Radio direction-finding, maximum-likelihood (ML) estimation, SAR Tomography, Tomography.
    Abstract: The advantages of using diversely polarized antennas to determine bearings of multiple cochannel narrow-band signals are shown. Three bearing estimation algorithms-maximum likelihood (ML), adapted angular response (AAR), and Music (multiple signal classification)-are extended to handle antenna arrays with diverse polarizations; the maximum entropy method does not readily extend. The proposed algorithms are applicable to arbitrary antenna locations and directional characteristics and arbitrary noise correlations between the antenna outputs. The algorithms are compared on the basis of multiple signal resolution and bearing accuracy in the presence of noise. The Music algorithm exhibits superior performance at moderate to low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).

    Title = {Direction finding with an array of antennas having diverse polarizations},
    Author = {Earl R. Ferrara and Terry M. Parks},
    Doi = {10.1109/TAP.1983.1143038},
    ISSN = {0018-926X},
    Month = mar,
    Number = {2},
    Pages = {231-236},
    Volume = {31},
    Year = {1983},
    Abstract = {The advantages of using diversely polarized antennas to determine bearings of multiple cochannel narrow-band signals are shown. Three bearing estimation algorithms-maximum likelihood (ML), adapted angular response (AAR), and Music (multiple signal classification)-are extended to handle antenna arrays with diverse polarizations; the maximum entropy method does not readily extend. The proposed algorithms are applicable to arbitrary antenna locations and directional characteristics and arbitrary noise correlations between the antenna outputs. The algorithms are compared on the basis of multiple signal resolution and bearing accuracy in the presence of noise. The Music algorithm exhibits superior performance at moderate to low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).},
    Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation},
    Keywords = {SAR Processing, Antenna arrays; Estimation; Radio direction-finding; maximum-likelihood (ML) estimation; SAR Tomography, Tomography} 

  2. David C. Munson, Jr., James Dennis O'Brien, and W. Kenneth Jenkins. A tomographic formulation of spotslight-mode synthetic aperture radar. Proceedings of the IEEE, 71(8):917-925, August 1983. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Polar Format Algorithm, Convolution Back-Projection, Spotlight SAR, Spotlight mode, Tomographic formulation.
    Abstract: Spotlight-mode synthetic aperture radar (spotlight-mode SAR) synthesizes high-resolution terrain maps using data gathered from multiple observation angles. This paper shows that spotlight-mode SAR can be interpreted as a tomographic reeonstrution problem and analyzed using the projection-slice theorem from computer-aided tomograpy (CAT). The signal recorded at each SAR transmission point is modeled as a portion of the Fourier transform of a central projection of the imaged ground area. Reconstruction of a SAR image may then be accomplished using algorithms from CAT. This model permits a simple understanding of SAR imaging, not based on Doppler shifts. Resolution, sampling rates, waveform curvature, the Doppler effect, and other issues are also discussed within the context of this interpretation of SAR.

    Title = {A tomographic formulation of spotslight-mode synthetic aperture radar},
    Author = {{Munson, Jr.}, David C. and O'Brien, James Dennis and Jenkins, W. Kenneth},
    ISSN = {0018-9219},
    Month = aug,
    Number = {8},
    Pages = {917-925},
    Url = {},
    Volume = {71},
    Year = {1983},
    Abstract = {Spotlight-mode synthetic aperture radar (spotlight-mode SAR) synthesizes high-resolution terrain maps using data gathered from multiple observation angles. This paper shows that spotlight-mode SAR can be interpreted as a tomographic reeonstrution problem and analyzed using the projection-slice theorem from computer-aided tomograpy (CAT). The signal recorded at each SAR transmission point is modeled as a portion of the Fourier transform of a central projection of the imaged ground area. Reconstruction of a SAR image may then be accomplished using algorithms from CAT. This model permits a simple understanding of SAR imaging, not based on Doppler shifts. Resolution, sampling rates, waveform curvature, the Doppler effect, and other issues are also discussed within the context of this interpretation of SAR.},
    Journal = {Proceedings of the IEEE},
    Keywords = {SAR Processing, Polar Format Algorithm, Convolution Back-Projection, Spotlight SAR, Spotlight mode, Tomographic formulation},
    Owner = {ofrey},
    Pdf = {../../../docs/munsonOBrienJenkins1983.pdf} 

  3. Erwin Schanda, Christian Matzler, and Klaus Kunzi. Microwave remote sensing of snow cover. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 4(1):149-158, 1983.
    author = {Schanda, Erwin and Matzler, Christian and Kunzi, Klaus},
    title = {Microwave remote sensing of snow cover},
    journal = {International Journal of Remote Sensing},
    year = {1983},
    volume = {4},
    number = {1},
    pages = {149--158},
    owner = {ofrey},
    publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},



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This collection of SAR literature is far from being complete.
It is rather a collection of papers which I store in my literature data base. Hence, the list of publications under PUBLICATIONS OF AUTHOR'S NAME should NOT be mistaken for a complete bibliography of that author.

Last modified: Fri Feb 24 14:22:26 2023
Author: Othmar Frey, Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - ETH Zurich .

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