Publications of year 1973

Articles in journal or book chapters

  1. W. M. Brown, G. G. Houser, and R. G. Jenkins. Synthetic aperture processing with limited storage and presumming. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 9:166-176, 1973. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Presumming, Limited Storage.
    Abstract: Presumming of data prior to correlation is considered as a means for achieving the desired performance in a side-looking radar with a minimum amount of digital storage. A presummer with optimal resolution is derived for this purpose, and the optimal apportionment of the available storage capacity between the presumming and correlation operations is determined. The optimal presumming coefficients are given for the condition that the illumination pattern of the antenna illuminates uniformly a Doppler bandwidth equal to the PRF of the radar. The obtainable optimum resolution is given as a function of total storage and of the number of transmitted pulses in the received Doppler history. Expressions are also given for responses with presumming for linearly frequency-modulated signals and their matched filters.

    author = {W. M. Brown and G. G. Houser and R. G. Jenkins},
    journal = {IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems},
    title = {{Synthetic aperture processing with limited storage and presumming}},
    year = {1973},
    pages = {166--176},
    volume = {9},
    abstract = {Presumming of data prior to correlation is considered as a means for achieving the desired performance in a side-looking radar with a minimum amount of digital storage. A presummer with optimal resolution is derived for this purpose, and the optimal apportionment of the available storage capacity between the presumming and correlation operations is determined. The optimal presumming coefficients are given for the condition that the illumination pattern of the antenna illuminates uniformly a Doppler bandwidth equal to the PRF of the radar. The obtainable optimum resolution is given as a function of total storage and of the number of transmitted pulses in the received Doppler history. Expressions are also given for responses with presumming for linearly frequency-modulated signals and their matched filters.},
    keywords = {SAR Processing, Presumming, Limited Storage},
    owner = {ofrey},
    pdf = {../../../docs/BrownHouserJenkins73.pdf},

  2. Georges Matheron. The Intrinsic Random Functions and Their Applications. Advances in Applied Probability, 5(3):439-468, 1973. Keyword(s): Kriging, intrinsic random functions, IRF, linear intrinsic estimator, best linear intrinsic estimator (BLIE), BLIE.
    Abstract: The intrinsic random functions (IRF) are a particular case of the Guelfand generalized processes with stationary increments. They constitute a much wider class than the stationary RF, and are used in practical applications for representing non-stationary phenomena. The most important topics considered are: existence of a generalized covariance (GC) for which statistical inference is possible from a unique realization; theory of the best linear intrinsic estimator (BLIE) used for contouring and estimating problems; the turning bands method for simulating IRF; and the models with polynomial GC, for which statistical inference may be performed by automatic procedures.

    author = {Matheron, Georges},
    title = {The Intrinsic Random Functions and Their Applications},
    journal = {Advances in Applied Probability},
    year = {1973},
    volume = {5},
    number = {3},
    pages = {439-468},
    abstract = {The intrinsic random functions (IRF) are a particular case of the Guelfand generalized processes with stationary increments. They constitute a much wider class than the stationary RF, and are used in practical applications for representing non-stationary phenomena. The most important topics considered are: existence of a generalized covariance (GC) for which statistical inference is possible from a unique realization; theory of the best linear intrinsic estimator (BLIE) used for contouring and estimating problems; the turning bands method for simulating IRF; and the models with polynomial GC, for which statistical inference may be performed by automatic procedures.},
    doi = {10.2307/1425829},
    file = {:matheron1973.pdf:PDF},
    keywords = {Kriging, intrinsic random functions, IRF, linear intrinsic estimator, best linear intrinsic estimator (BLIE), BLIE},
    owner = {ofrey},

  3. J. Saastamoinen. Contributions to the theory of atmospheric refraction: Part II. Refraction corrections in satellite geodesy. Bulletin Géodésique (1946-1975), 107(1):13-34, 1973.
    author = {Saastamoinen, J.},
    journal = {Bulletin G\'eod\'esique (1946-1975)},
    title = {Contributions to the theory of atmospheric refraction: {Part} {II}. Refraction corrections in satellite geodesy},
    year = {1973},
    issn = {0007-4632},
    number = {1},
    pages = {13--34},
    volume = {107},
    file = {:saastamoinen1973AtmosphericRefractionPartIIRefractionCorrectionsInSatelliteGeodesy.pdf:PDF},
    owner = {ofrey},
    url = {},



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This collection of SAR literature is far from being complete.
It is rather a collection of papers which I store in my literature data base. Hence, the list of publications under PUBLICATIONS OF AUTHOR'S NAME should NOT be mistaken for a complete bibliography of that author.

Last modified: Fri Feb 24 14:22:26 2023
Author: Othmar Frey, Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - ETH Zurich .

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